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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. Had your child been treated as a guest there would have been no issue.


    I wouldn't adjust your teaching at all.


    :iagree: Your daughter asked. Instead of saying she was spoiled, they could have said something more polite. Like, "I'm sorry we don't have ranch dressing." or "Sure, let me get some for you". I don't know, I grew up where things were said that weren't nice but if I said anything I was told I couldn't take a joke. Even jokingly, words hurt. Of course, maybe I am too sensitive:tongue_smilie:

  2. Who knew that some people were so passionate about whether or not people the door? :lol: :lol:


    I am surprised too! Since I also indicated I don't always answer the door, I will give some explanations. I don't think I have social problems nor do I think it is rude to not always answer the door.:tongue_smilie:


    If my kids aren't home and I have sat down to lesson plan or read a book, I am under no obligation to pop up and answer the door.


    Also, we have many, many kids in the neighborhood, someone used to be knocking at our door every 30 minutes. When I do answer the door, it is never just a quick conversation. The kids like to talk. Which is fine. I love that they like to talk. However, sometimes I don't have the energy to deal with these conversations. Especially since my dh travels a lot and I am holding down the fort at home. I also have talked to the kids so they know if we don't answer, we aren't home or not available. They are fine with this. We aren't having these issues like we were a few years ago. The kids know. Last, I am not the only parent who has these rules. It is common practice in our neighborhood. Many times, my children go over, knock on the door, we know the neighbors are home, and the door is not answered. I tell my kids, knock, than wait. If no answer, you may knock one more time. No answer, leave and come home. Don't know if it really matters why I don't always answer my door or not, but I do think it is interesting the varied opinions about it :)

  3. True...:tongue_smilie: But it was Peppermint and the little girl kept saying, "My nose is hot!" It must have burned...I really can't imagine.


    :lol: This probably isn't funny, but it is. Ya know what I mean?;) Bet she thought twice before trying that again. Of course, for some kids this would be a good science hypothesis: "Will all tic tacs dissolve in your nose and burn while doing so?"

  4. Been there. Done that. Not fun. Here is what I know:

    *If I don't answer the first three times you knock, please don't come back in 10 minutes and re-knock.

    *Going to the other door and knocking doesn't change the fact that no one answered the first time.

    *Knocking for more than 5 minutes is just rude.

    *Looking in the windows is totally off limits :glare:

  5. My friend has one and her children heard her telling me about it. They let me know they love it. I forgot that this is one of the things I wanted to get this year. I was going to have them use Queen's Language Math Facts for Copywork, but I think my kids would like this better.

  6. The crazy thing about this is I know someone who told the entire Sunday School class that when her dh wants it, she has to give it. That is part of being married. My dh and I looked at each other like, "Did she just really say that?" Of course now dh will jokingly say this. When we are tiffing about something sometimes I will say, "We must be fighting because I am not giving you s*x all the time." It is a great way to end the fight and dissolve into laughter.


    I am not trying to bash anyone who really thinks this is what their role should be. People are different and have different needs whether male or female. So, I could see that some men need more physical action than others. I don't think that feeling loved comes exclusively from that act.


    I just kept thinking, what happens if your wife becomes physically unable to perform due to some medical or other reason?

  7. Mine is, "You can't save 'em all, Hasselhoff." *


    It doesn't really apply here, but I've always wanted to post it.


    Job done.






    *Rodney the guinea pig, aka Chris Rock, in Doctor Dolittle.

    :lol: You must have quite a list because you have been able to post several of these lately and I am loving them!


    OP: Don't get in the middle. If they try and put you there, let them know it is between them. Hopefully, that is not the case.

  8. :iagree: You can NOT compare your married life to another couple's married life. Each is different with different needs, different strengths, different weaknesses, different personalities, etc. Put those books down (take it from one that wishes she had never picked up books like that years ago).


    My dh tells me this whenever I start making comparisons with others. We are in our marriage together and it is working. Who cares what anyone else says it should look like or what we should or should not be doing.


    She didn't mean it, Male Swimmers! (Stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us, Lady.)/QUOTE]


  9. I read that article yesterday. Dude is one cocky guy. The grill...I.just.can't. And his custom-designed sunglasses? Can't wait to get myself a pair of those.



    The mouth bling cracks me up, it reminds me of braces every time I see it. Did you see his closet full of shoes? Lots and lots of shoes in nice little cubbie holes. They showed it in an interview before his first event at the Olympics.

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