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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. I have been in this situation. It was helpful for me to really take a look at the relationship and evaluate it. I discovered, that although I was disappointed the calls stopped, I was also relieved. There were some good things but there were also things that happened that were awkward and hurtful to my children and myself. :grouphug: If I ran into the person, I would be nice. However, I wouldn't be looking to restart the friendship again. In fact, it would have to be very different than it had been. This is helpful for me to realize that I held onto something that really wasn't all I had made it to be in my mind. Yes, there were good things, but there were many things that weren't.

  2. Put 'em to work. I do have to say about my in-laws, they are happy to work around here when they visit. Raking leaves, putting up playgrounds, cleaning out my car (which I found a little invasive as it'd kind of like cleaning out my purse:glare:). Make a list of what you want to accomplish that weekend and take them along for the ride. They might improve their timing.;)

    :iagree: How would they respond if you gave them a list of things to do? Or would they rather keep the kids entertained?

  3. Lea,

    :grouphug::grouphug: This is so hard. Give yourself time to grieve. Some days will be better than others. Don't put expectations on your school year, since some days grief will just sneak up on you. My mom, even though her health was declining, unexpected went into the hospital and never came home again. It was hard when she went into a coma. I kept hoping that some miracle would happen and she would wake up so I could just tell her once more that I loved her. :grouphug::grouphug: Peace to you as you start a new journey without someone you love physically by your side.

  4. HSLDA cares. Therefore, the hs organizations with which they partner care. Haven't you seen the "Trojan Horse" video? There are lots of Christian hs groups that fall under their partnership umbrella. This stuff is included with the SOF stuff, IME, they are the same types of groups. HSLDA does not want homeschoolers of all stripes uniting; it would be against their financial interests.



    Oh yes. Now that you say that I do remember that this is a big deal with HSDLA.

  5. I was told recently that I'm no longer a "real" homeschooler because two of my sons are now in public school. I asked the stay-home ds what he'd like to be called now, as apparently he's not really homeschooled, and he suggested "educational anarchist." Yup, that's my kid.



    :D Love it! So, what does that make you?

  6. I recently noticed that on our homeschool group's website it says (in HUGE red letters):


    We can no longer accept cyber academy or K12 students.


    Students in these programs are considered by state law to be public schooled students and as such fall under state guidelines and rules.


    I know that's what the law says, but still, it seems that it should count for something if the parent is the one doing the teaching.


    I just don't get this. Never have. Who cares? Why does this make a difference in being accepted into a HS co-op or group?

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