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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. I think she just wants you to think she's popular and important.


    I also think that she is probably repeating every single thing you tell her to every last person she knows on Earth.


    Be careful what you tell her, because it's pretty obvious that anything you say can and will be used against you. ;)

    :iagree: Yes! This sharing of information might make her think she is important and has lots and lots of friends. Are things said like she is letting you in on a big secret? I would be very careful what you share. My guess is anything being said has had more drama added to it. However, maybe not. If not, ignore what I said:D

  2. What is it about SL LA that keeps you coming back even though it didn't work?! I think one thing about Sonlight is they are dang. good. advertisers. They're always "improving," their website is *awesome,* it's easy to order from, their catalog is amazing... Those peeps know how to market their product. So much so that people like you and I buy it and don't like it, and we buy it again next year!! :lol:


    I think it is Homeschool Meth!;) I just keep needing it again and again. I can't break the habit.

  3. Ooo.... I think poor and rich are relative terms entirely. I don't think we can even begin to have a discussion on it unless we are taking it in a global context. First world poor is not comparable to third world poor, but you can't really discuss poverty without the context of both.



    :iagree: This is what I was thinking. When I was overseas, I saw families living in one room shacks. No beds, slept on blankets on the floor, a table. A pot and pan. Some dishes. No stove, cooked any food they had outdoors. Bathroom outdoors (squatting in the woods). The kids hair was blonde due to malnutrition. Really made me think about how I live my life. It is so hard not to get caught up in needing more when others have less because they have different life circumstances.

  4. Im sorry you were not inoculated after your first purchase.;)

    :lol: I looked at Sonlight about 5 years ago and made purchases. I never used the materials. I kept wanting to do something different. I liked the idea, but it didn't work. Since than, I kept thinking in my head, I really like Sonlight. Maybe it would work if I tried it now so I purchased another round this past year. Did I use it, no. Why do I want this to work?! Waaah- I need an inoculation too! :banghead:

  5. I actually wondered if the mom had some sort of condition. I'm amazed that the people around her weren't staring. We saw that when it played on NBC, and my daughter said "What is wrong with her mom?" She kept asking through the performance, she was convinced the mom was ill. I thought the dad's reactions were a bit more in line with what I might expect of myself. I can see the extreme anxiousness, and his scream at the end is hilarious.

    :lol: I thought so too!

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