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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. That looks like it could be fun! :D


    One time many years ago, DH was coming home from a one month deployment. He said not to worry about picking him up because he'd have a co-worker drop him off. Which I though was great because it gave me the opportunity to do something that I'd read - cover the personal bits in post-it notes with hearts drawn on them so they he could uncover his heart's desire and greet him wearing nothing but the notes. When he called from the ship to let me know he was on his way home, I knew it would be about 20 minutes so I, ahem, "prepped" everything. I heard the front door open and DH called my name. I walked down the stairs wearing nothing but post-it notes over my personal lady bits to greet my husband-who had invited his friend from the ship and his wife in to meet me!!!!! :blushing::blushing::blushing:


    To this day I still do not know their names or remember what they looked like. I think I have it blocked out just in case we are ever stationed with them again. And - DH is now required to let me know ahead of time if he'll be inviting someone to the house.



    :lol: Oh my! I would have been mortified. I am sure neither you nor your dh ever will forget this!

  2. I was called a few years back. Arranging child care was a hassle. They didn't view that as an acceptable excuse. After all, you are making $10 a day. Whoopee. We lost money since dh had to stay home. :glare: Also, if you aren't chosen the first day, you still had to come back. If you made it 3 days without being chosen, you had done your duty. Of course, I was chosen on day 3 as an alternate. Bummer, you sit through the whole process and than if no one is sick, you don't even get to be part of the outcome or know what happened.

  3. I agree with Cammie, seems like there is something more going on. Maybe the issue is since the kids are getting higher end gifts or hand me downs from others, smaller gifts are viewed as less than? Maybe there is another issue other than things and overindulgence. Maybe something to do with mom and brothers relationship growing up.....I wouldn't say anything to brother, unless of course he mentions it to you. I would try and find out what is going on from him though before you give your opinion. There might be something that has happened that you have no idea about.


    ETA: I would accept the gifts. If my kids are overindulged, I would look at the repeat gift givers, not grandma who visits once a year.

  4. I can totally relate. It is tough when you are used to having the extra help to doing it alone. One thing I have done is de-clutter like crazy. Also, I figured out what I really needed the most help with, and have him do that one thing. For me, it is him putting away is own laundry. He will also put away the kids clothes. Another thing I do is when he is out of town, I get minimal groceries and use the rest of the grocery money to eat out. Not necessarily at a restaurant, but just like piddly things: breakfast items from BK, pizza for supper. It really helps me maintain the house. :grouphug:

  5. Maybe if you let the relator know that you are going to be in touch with some other relators up front, it would help. Maybe she would be more serious about your house. It still doesn't mean you have to go with her just because she came highly recommended to you by people you know. Just think of it this way, if my friend likes a therapist, I can go check that person out. Just because that person was a good fit for them doesn't mean it will be a good fit for me.

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