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Everything posted by Shelydon

  1. I would absolutely say something and report to Outschool as well
  2. My Texas friends are experiencing days of no electricity, not just rolling outages. Two friends now have homes with inside temps in the 20s. They will lose all their pipes inside. Pools are completely destroyed. Damages estimated at $100K or more
  3. I have two pair of Jag Jeans. The just slide right down to my knees. I haven't tried Talbots, will give a whirl.
  4. I tried these once, but ordering my regular size was two sizes to big. I sent them back and didn't try again. Maybe I should
  5. Yes! all of my current jeans are high rise. I am really long waisted, so they are a necessity. So glad they are back. I have a couple of pair of KFTK, but they are mid rise on me, and slide down.
  6. I don't know if jeans have changed or if my shape has changed, but I can no longer keep any style of jeans up on my waist without a belt. The belt then digs into my stomach when I sit. Skinny jeans are especially bad about sliding down. Has anyone found a comfortable pair that stays on the way they should? Price is not an issue at this point, I just need my pants to stay up! In the fall, winter months, I only wear jeans. No desire for any kind of knit pant, I want real denim that stays where it should. For reference I am usually a size 8.
  7. Shelydon


    LOL! Voice to text!
  8. Shelydon


    We have gone to the lake, botanical gardens, weekly horseback writing lessons, co-op twice per week since Sept. (mask required), outdoor sports practice. Nothing is closed here, just reduced capacity. We avoid restaurants or crowded indoor places.
  9. I received my 2nd Moderna dose today. With my first, I had a really sore arm on day 2, but otherwise nothing. With today's shot, I had flushing of my face about 30 minutes after the shot lasting less than 10 minutes. Arm is mildly sore. I made sure to schedule nothing for tomorrow since some people run a fever and feel bad for a day or two.
  10. Update: He has been taking .5 mg of melatonin the last couple of nights and is able to fall asleep by 10. He is taking the melatonin after dinner, around 7:30.
  11. I remember reading about how electric lights have really messed up our sleep cycles in the last century
  12. More like he just would rather sit for 3 hours than do school kind of slow
  13. My 8th grader really loves literature and writing and wants to take an English 1 course next year with like minded students. I am actively working on finding someone to teach at our co-op, but if I can't I want a good online class for her. Any suggestions?
  14. For us, that means getting up, eating breakfast, brushing teeth. PJs are fine. It takes my girls 20 minutes. It takes my son 2 hours to do this if left to his own devices.
  15. I definitely agree with those who said he likely isn't getting enough sleep. I would say he needs 11 ish hours per night at his age and activity level.
  16. I often tell him that once he is out of our house and has a job, he can choose a career that will let him work the night shift if he so chooses!
  17. Thanks all! He has been having stomach issues, so we recently had a huge amount of blood work done and all is normal physically. The FODMAP diet seems to be helping the digestive issues. I do have a SAD light, so I can use that in the mornings. He does not take any supplements, so too much or too late Vit. D or anything else is not an issue. He has always been a late sleeper, even as a toddler, so I am sure it is just his natural tendency. However, the world we live in doesn't allow for working in the evening and not in the morning. He has dyslexia, so I do 100% of his school work with him. It will probably be 2 more years before that changes. Since he needs me to do everything with him, I need him to be ready to go by 9:00 am. If not, then I will miss work and we will have to leave his beloved extracurricular b/c I won't have the time it takes to run the program. Letting him sleep in and work at night is not an option for our situation. If he could do school completely independently, then we could do that. He absolutely sucks all my energy and causes major headaches trying to leave the house for anything. I *hate* being late and his siblings deserve to get to an activity on time. I think I will try the melatonin approach, I had no idea you needed to take it so early in the day. I'll read up on 5 HTP too. It has been hard to to get in large amount of exercise because he can't play with the neighbors any longer due to pandemic. He is the only boy in a house full of girls, so 'playing' doesn't happen at home. He won't do solo activities like riding a bike around the neighborhood. Once pandemic lifts, he can climb trees with the neighbors again. ETA-- no anxiety or other issues.
  18. Super fast here. I think if it is slow, it is your device or internet service, not the boards themselves.
  19. Yes! WE have been doing this all along though. I do not worry about surface spread of the virus at all.
  20. My 6th grade son is a night owl and is SLOW to start in the mornings. I've battled him for years, but I am now completely at my wits end and he will be enrolled in a local school if I can't fix this. It is nearly 10 am and I after 1.5 hours of prodding pushing then literally dragging him out of bed he is up, but is sitting on the couch refusing to move. If I left him alone, he would eat and get ready for the day and finally be ready to start school at 1:00 pm. I need to start school with him no later than 9:15 am, or we don't get done. I work part time, homeschool 3 other kids, volunteer running 2 of my kids' programs 30 hours a week etc. We MUST start school early, but I cannot get him up and moving. I put him in bed at 9:00 pm, but he says he stays awake until midnight "thinking". I want him out of bed at 8 am and ready to go by 9:00 am for school. If he goes to public school, he will be on the bus at6:45 am, so my requests are not unreasonable. When he was younger and smaller, I could pick him up and dump him in the shower with water running to force him to wake up, but he is now 100 lbs and 5'4', so I can't do that.
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