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Everything posted by Shelydon

  1. I am going to give her a full ACT test at home and see if she does better on it, her older sister scored much higher on the ACT than the SAT.
  2. Well, high SAT and ACT scores always equal more money. The higher the score, the more scholarships. She has a college board account, but won't do it on her own. Many, maybe even most, kids could give a fig about SAT/ACT. She had not a clue what she wants to do in life. She does well enough academically, but doesn't have grand life goals or things she wants to achieve. She is a pretty standard middle child.
  3. Thank you for that input! She'll need someone to assign her the tests. She works well for grades, but not for mom
  4. No, I'm not, but after reading a description, the acne is not itchy, so I think it is regular acne
  5. We tried antibiotics and several topicals. She is not willing to jump through the hoops required for accutane, so the doctor recommended spirolactone
  6. Spirolactone is not supposed to have that side effect. We are just about ready to give up on treatment. Everything we try seems to fail.
  7. My current junior needs to do SAT prep, her PSAT scores need to go up about 120 points. She has zero academic motivation,so it has to be a class that requires completed homework. Something that focuses more on tricks of the trade rather than practicing math is preferred.
  8. Yes, it was originally a blood pressure medication, but now it primarily used for acne is female patients
  9. Has anyone's teen used sprirolactone for acne? My DD dermatologist prescribed this, and her skin is the worst it has ever been one month into treatment. I've called her dermatologist, but she won't see her until 3 months of treatment.
  10. Shelydon

    New name

    This happened to me too.
  11. The EB shirts are much thinner than in the past. Lands End tall is too short, but I had not thought of LLB. Thanks!
  12. I live a a warmer climate, so short sleeved t-shirts are worn year around. I've lost weight, so I need to replace my size L t-shirts with M. Yay. I can't find any that are tall/long (I'm 5'10) and thicker, so they don't show bra bulge. I've tried Target (too short), Old Navy (to loose in the waist, looks like maternity shirts) and Eddie Bauer (too thin). Any other ideas?
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