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Everything posted by Sandwalker

  1. How scary! I'm a nurse and years ago took care of a little girl who was bitten on the foot by a rattlesnake. She got tje antivenin and did fine. Foot swelled up, she was in hospital getting IV steroids for a few days. I think the copperhead bites are more harsh on the tissues, but there's less worry about swelling if I'm remembering this correctly. <3 in the meantime!
  2. I think philosophy is about the best thing a returning vet could study. I'm sure he has a lot of internal questions to answer.
  3. OP, what does your son like to eat for dinner usually? I'm guessing burgers, pizza, meat and potatoes? Does he like hummus, guacamole, baba ganoush? Great with pita triangles, add some veggie pieces for the rest of the fam. Big fruit salad. To whatever you make, try to incorporate some some (maybe sauteed) mushrooms, or add some dried mushrooms (cheap at Asian markets, all kinds of different mushrooms I never knew about!)/Mushrooms give the feeling of satisfaction and fullness to the brain. Sweet potatoes or butternut squash are crazy good cut up and grilled or roasted hot in the oven. Even non veg eaters often like them, they taste like candy and you can dip. I've used so many different dips and sauces for this, Thai sweet chili sauce to salad dressings, sirhacha (can't spell it lol), etc. If you have $ to burn and have a Whole Foods or similar, the Beyond Meat burgers cook, taste, and look just like meat (I'm a 10 year vegan, but carnis I feed agree.) I paid $5.99/for 2 patties (one is filling), usual price was $6.99. They are very fatty and similar nutritional profile to ground beef, I expect. Use big fluffy burger buns, all his fave toppings, and some fries, sweet and white potato. Base of vegan meal isn't meat, so pick something starchy. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice (different kinds, try black/purple when on sale), quinoa, yummy breads. Then you add whatever--if he's a picky eater, give some vegan stuff he's used to, peas or fries or whatever, and add other filling stuff but use flavors he'll like. I gotta go to work, but loved your thread and had to jump in. I'll post some fave vegan blogs and recipe sites later. <3 Oh, serve big desserts, they remember dessert most since it's last. :)
  4. I'm so sorry this happened to your family! Have you heard of vitamin C helping to reduce lead levels in some people? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0YeQ1HfGBJc It's cheap and good for you anyway, so maybe couldn't hurt?
  5. $43/year. They have a 2-year deal that saves a bit of money, but I'm never sure my car will make it two more years!
  6. Oh I love Mommy Tang!! I got a rice cooker because of her (not the fabulous kind she has, though!)
  7. Here's their vegan menu.http://menus.urbantastebud.com/chick-fil-a-vegan-menu/ I just order like "I'll have the flax seed veggie wrap. Please put all the vegetables and fruit in there, no cheese, with raspberry vinaigrette" and I'll have the fruit cup, waffle fries, and a lemonade.
  8. Nah, I'll just move on. Infowars being brought up is a step before someone calls someone else a nazi. Ttfn
  9. No, the media descends upon Newtown like a bunch of vultures after there's a shooting anywhere else, looking for people to talk about dead children for ratings.
  10. He had 20 some odd guns, so didn't need to reload. He just picked up another one.
  11. Which gun laws could have stopped this?
  12. Your article mentions 3 people, only one of whom was the parent of a kindergartner killed that day.
  13. Well, duh. So can people leave them alone now please?
  14. Which mass murder could have been prevented by gun laws?
  15. B) I think airport screenings are ineffective and ridiculous. Have they stopped one attack in all these years? I think the laws passed after 9/11 were unhelpful as well. The government spying on and tracking its citizens should not be the American way. I was and am against all the stupid wars and bombings that the US has been involved in since, as well. The Tylenol poisoning was likely one evil guy in Chicago. I'm sure we are safer now knowing there is no potassium in our pills, but the price of the goods is of course higher and the packaging more waste for the earth. I didn't use a crib for my kiddos, so probably the wrong person to answer this. When it comes to babies being left by themselves in a room, it is hard to keep them safe, so I agree with the regulations on the crib sides.
  16. Or they have CC and take out the shooter like the church shooting recently.
  17. No, they use knives, bombs, swords, and vehicles instead.
  18. I'm from Brookfield, CT, next door to Newtown. Many people here are very tired of others still using their dead babies to make a political point.
  19. And you think gun laws would have stopped this? There are 300+ million guns in this country.
  20. I think marijuana should be legal, yes. All other nurses I know who have worked oncology agree. Meth and the others, no, but putting users in prison isn't helpful. They need help, not punishment.
  21. I had hoped that this thread would be about something besides gun politics. About the people who died, perhaps, or how to help LV. But no, like everywhere else I've looked, gun gun gun bad bad bad, as if gun laws are going to stop evil.
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