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Everything posted by tdeveson

  1. I'd like to create my own literature study guides for ds. He's 10, in fifth grade. The problem is that I've never even used one -- I'm not sure what one is supposed to look like -- what elements it should contain, etc. I could use some help finding resources online to help me do this. I'd also appreciate any advise or recommendations you may have. Please tell me what has worked for you. Thanks in advance.
  2. Save 12% on your next online order now through Wednesday, November 25th! (To activate offer, click on any link in email or apply Promo Code PILGRIMX during checkout. Discount offer expires November 25, 2009.) http://wardsci.com/
  3. Tell the mother gently. If she sees the danger in her son's behavior and deals with it to your satisfaction, done. If she gets angry, defensive, or denies it, call the police and make a report. If the mother refuses to deal with the problem, or becomes angry or defensive, call the cops and make a report. If you're concerned about losing a friend, consider how much worse it would be to lose a son.
  4. This looks like a lovely program. How much religion is in it? I checked out the samples and they're covering missionaries. Is this something we can skip over, or is the whole curriculum steeped in religion? I love the concept.
  5. Boil a few star anise in water. Use that to prepare formula, or mix it with breast milk or juice. It's a powerful anti-spasmodic. When my DH was a baby, she became colicky. My mom told me to give her star anise tea in her milk, but I told her we were in the 20th Century and I didn't believe in that sort of thing. I packed up my baby, took her to the pediatrician, waited an hour to see him, and he told me there were no drugs available for colic, but a little star anise tea mixed with juice or milk would do the trick. Duh! My mother laughed at me when I got home. :)
  6. This arrived just in time. I'm about to place an order for protists and other live critters. Promo Code PILGRIM during checkout. Discount offer expires November 25, 2009.
  7. I haven't read this book, and I hadn't really thought about the point the author makes -- how he connects the dots between more career choices for women and a decline in teacher IQ. I do know that teachers place in the lower 1/3 of college entrance exams.
  8. Except for cooking, gardening, baking, and sewing, I hate it all, so I have full-time help. I spend my days teaching my son, taking him to field trips and excellent activities with our group, planting and maintaining my garden, canning and freezing my harvest, and having a good time with ds and dh. What was unexpected about my lifestyle is that my friends think I laze around having chocolate bon-bons dropped in my open mouth. In reality, I spend 16 hours a day working non-stop and by the time I crawl into bed at night I'm asleep before my poor head hits my pillow. Life is like a purse. If you make room (by getting a housekeeper), life will be happy to fill your empty places real quick.
  9. I love Dawkins. Like the pp above, he says all the things I want to say. I agree that calling someone names, then trying to convince him to come around your way is kind of futile. On the other hand, he's not really losing any readers. He knows you can't approach creationists with logic and science. I think he probably uses the colorful language to sell books. And here is a nice article about a 5,000-year-old t-rex. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/27604
  10. I guess that's the price we pay as a society for the right to live in a more or less safe environment. I'm sure not overjoyed at the prospect, though. I can think of many better things to be done with my tax dollar.
  11. What do you think should happen to this guy now? I've never wished death on anyone -- not even a killer -- but paralysis seems like a good start for this guy.
  12. Just as I said during the incident. Even as my stomach bunched up in my throat for hours, I had a feeling these low-lives were pulling a stunt.
  13. Wonderful! Congratulations. Now tell us it wasn't just as difficult as natural childbirth! I'm very happy for you and your family, and especially for your new daughter who has lucked out big time by joining your family.
  14. Because when the youngest leaves for college, his/her life will not be disrupted by a divorce. They'll be out of the nest and while it will still be hard, it will not affect their day-to-day lives as if they have to watch their father packing up in front of them. I think it's perfectly alright for her to dump the lamer now or later. (Although I also would wait until later for the kids' sake, if I could stand it.)
  15. I should have worded my statement more carefully. When I wrote that he has made no effort, I did not mean an effort to have sex. I meant an effort to work out the kinks in the marriage. I agree with kalanamak. Who wants a pity-tea.
  16. Love that idea. His dad could do this with him. He's a geeky engineer type who is happiest with his head inside some electronic or mechanical contraption.)
  17. Not even the driver? :w00t: (Just kidding -- I know what you meant, but the visual was priceless.)
  18. The age is 15 in our house. Long before the study came out our pediatrician told us bone density was the most important factor. (This was with our eldest who is now 27.) He'd done a rotation in a very busy urban ER and he'd seen older kids that tripped the weight sensor all smashed up because their bones weren't strong enough to withstand the g-forces in a crash. I don't start my car until everyone's seat belt is fastened. That includes my sister who always refused to wear a seatbelt because the law was "unconstitutional" and she was a free woman. She started wearing a seatbelt after she went through a windshield during a fender bender. The car had $400 damage and she had $6,000 damage. Some people need extra motivation to do the right thing.
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