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Everything posted by crl

  1. So is Bigger doable with a second grader? I've heard most people do it with older kids.
  2. I have used HOD LHTH, LHFHG and some of Beyond. I'm now looking into a more classical/traditional education for math and LA. DD seems to need a good phonics program since she has some of the signs for dyslexia. She is 6 (7 in May) and in 1st grade. So for LA we are using ETC books 4-6, AAS level 1 (just started), and FLL 1&2 (which she is zooming through). I'm considering adding WWE 1, not sure yet. For math we are using Abeka and love it. So in history and science is HOD enough? Should I be considering finishing SOTW 1 (we've done through chapter 21) and God's Design for those instead? We're finding that DD seems advanced in most subjects except LA which seems to be at grade level. I guess I'm torn between the Christ centered HOD and the very thorough SOTW. Here are my main concerns with SOTW: Not from a Biblical point of view. Uses lots of myths and other gods. What's a conservative mom to do?
  3. So at what age/stage would you start? Should a child be finished with phonics and reading fluently before starting Latin? Are there programs for young kids?
  4. :lurk5: I too have been wondering this.
  5. This is what we do. I've created a spread sheet that has each subject and then I fill in the date and what was done that day. This way I can also pencil in plans if I'm feeling inclined to do so.
  6. Sorry to hijack, but I'd love to know why you feel Guest Hollow is better than Winterpromise. I've considered both programs and am having a hard time choosing, so I'd love to know why you like it better.
  7. I haven't actually used this book, but am considering adding it to our collection. Maybe it would fit your need. http://www.amazon.com/American-Story-True-Tales-History/dp/0375812563/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1264004902&sr=8-1
  8. We use HOD which had some light overview history in K (Little Hearts manual) and then enjoyable early American stories in 1st grade (Beyond manual).
  9. Have you looked at the book list HOD has for their emergent readers? http://heartofdakota.com/emerging-reader.php There might be a few on that list which your older child might still enjoy.
  10. I have found that with WP your kids really need to be on the upper end of the ages listed. And for LA, it seems to be running a level ahead of most other programs I've looked at.
  11. Thanks for sharing. I've been looking into doing American History next year and this makes it so easy!
  12. I like the idea of the program, but it moved too fast for my first grader. Yet others have said their young kids have really enjoyed it. I just felt that we were retaining very little by speeding through history. I may revisit the program when my kids are a little older.
  13. My car was at the garage yesterday and the idiot mechanics decided to roll down the windows so that they could listen to the radio. I wouldn't normally think it was a problem, but the guys had been smoking cigars in the garage all day! When I got my car back it smelled so bad that I couldn't put the kids in it. In fact, DH drove it home (2 miles) and by the time he got home, he had to leave his coat outside and go to the shower before he would sit on our couch. We left the windows open from 5pm last night till now. We also put baking soda on the seat and floor overnight. I've since vacuumed every surface I could (seats, floors, ceiling), I used armor-all on all surfaces that I could, and used windex on the windows. We've removed anything that wasn't "nailed down" and replaced or washed it. We have removed the kid's new (and expensive) car seats to wash the covers per the manufacturers instructions. (Yes, the idiots smoked around the open windows even with the car seats sitting there!!! :mad:) What else can I do to get the smell out of the fabric of the car? We're desperate to get the smell out because we are using this car for a 2 day drive next week.
  14. So how is everyone doing now that we're all much further into the school year? We are in week 21 of Beyond and my DD is really enjoying the Pioneers and Patriots book for history. We did get a little tired of all the pilgrims, so we sped that up a bit and then took the extra time we had to study about the area my brother is stationed in this year. (Iraq) All in all, it's going well. We use Abeka for our math since we just aren't a Singapore math family. And we're using ETC books to cover phonics and spelling together. But we love the Emergent Readers pack!
  15. I imagine you could do a google search to find each state standard for the specific grade you are looking for. You could type in something like "PA state standard geography grade 5" and probably find the answer you seek. But your question is too broad for me to give an answer since there are 50 states and each state would have it's own standard for each of the 12 grades.
  16. I wish I could help, but I came here looking to find out more about Rod and Staff English for my 1st grader since FLL is too easy for her. I'll be watching for answers.
  17. You took the words right out of my mouth. The boxed curriculums look so fun and I feel like maybe they can offer some great things I can't. But then I end up frustrated and tweaking a lot each year so far.
  18. Well, if you are working on HOD LHFHG, the next logical step would be Beyond LHFHG. In that manual you choose the phonics/reading material you plan to use. So you would still end up with the same basic package, just math and phonics/reading might be the subjects you purchase closer to the beginning of next school year.
  19. I'm not sure this is not entirely true. In 2006 they allowed resale of the guide. Though I believe that is the only year they allowed for resale. So if the original poster can find a 2006 guide, I think that would be allowable according to my understanding.
  20. :lurk5: I am interested in these answers too since I have been contemplating this for my DD in 1st grade.
  21. It can certainly be done if you aren't doing all the activities and extra reading from the AG. WinterPromise has a program where you read parts from all 4 SOTW books in one year. In order to do this, they do omit chapters from each book. So keep in mind you may want to sit down and pick which chapters you feel are most important to cover and omit the others due to lack of time.
  22. You certainly described my DD to a T. DH is pretty good about playing for 15-20 at night with the kids like this. And DD has been calling her grandma (who lives 9 hours away) to make up adventures together. It's a perfect arrangement since MIL feels left out being far away. By having this special activity with DD she feels more connected and it gets me off the hook. Maybe you can arrange for a family member to do phone adventures with her. I have noticed that my two kids started playing together more once DS turned 3. So maybe the younger sibling will start taking your place more over the next year oro so.
  23. We used this site last year: http://www.seasky.org/astronomy/astronomy_calendar_2010.html
  24. I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old. Would this exhibit be worth the money and trip (2 hours) to see?
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