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Everything posted by momee

  1. Just saw these posts. Thought I'd just add - my dh has lost about 45 lbs on this plan. It's his life plan now - not a diet. Anyway - when he's at work and I haven't made something that fits his ETL plan or is at least marginally healthy - he buys a can of black beans and a can of mixed veggies from the little convenience store and eats that. I truly think dedication and diligence is huge in sticking to this plan - me? Gained 30 lbs since he's been on it - ok I'm pregnant - that was a joke ;) Anyway - the recipes aren't the greatest but he was soo sincere about changing his diet - he didn't budge in it's requirements and said the loosing weight was awesome (everyone comments on it) but the biggest benefit was how he feels now. Hang in - eat veggies and beans. You'll do great.
  2. Yep, it's all laid out for you. I gave the student guide to my student along with the books and he was good to go. Finished the program in record time. Here's the link http://www.hewitthomeschooling.com/book/blight.asp click on student guide then sample
  3. We did LL 7 and TOG classic year 3. It was very doable. Especially since my ds was interested in reading NON historical fiction at the time. The plan for LL 7 is totally flexible, allowing you to do as much or as little as you'd like. You can get the LL manuals for fairly cheap on the used boards and get the books from the library. That way you could try it without the big investment. I found it was worthwhile to get an assurance we were covering what we needed to in literature analysis. I wasn't too impressed with the writing instruction _ very little there to help. Check out the samples for each - Tapestry and LL. They're a great example of what your weeks would be like. I wonder though if you're using the redesign plan if you'll really need LL. THey've done a great job of redoing alot. Stephanie
  4. TT is really clear in it's explanations so I wouldn't think your plan would give you much trouble in that aspect. I have a Lial's BCM book, solutions manual and DVT's I'd like to sell if you're interested. The student book does have writing in chaps 1, 2 and 3 which are basic math stuff. Chp 1 whole #s, X and div 2 fractions, 3 + and - fractions, 4 decimals, 5 ratio proportion, 6 percent, 7 measurement, 8 geometry, 9 basic alg, 10 statistics. We didn't find it helpful for our particular situation because of the numerous problems and we were looking for more of a curricula for pre-algebra, something he could follow the plan and do a lesson per day. If you're looking for a review source it would work much better for you. My edition is 6th but I don't think it really matters. Stephanie
  5. It says one option would be comparing/contrasting Cladius as Caesar with George W. Bush as President. Lack of oversight, self aggrandizement, power hungry, neglect of entire classes of people, checks and balances, humility of position utilizing advisors and committees, and ideal of good of common people are some topics to research I guess. It also gives the choice of being counterintuitive to what people would expect to write about - their differences between the two governments - and instead write about some similarities. Corruption, national pride, and I can't think of anything else at the moment. I don't really know where to steer ds in getting started, I'm having trouble myself.
  6. He's to compare/contrast government of Rome with today's government. I've got the ideas to help with the Roman aspect of gov't but need some help with the today's part. One suggestion is to compare George Bush's role with the role of Caesar. My mind is a blank~~
  7. So with some time to think on it I don't see how we cannot follow through. I explained to ds I wasn't upset with him personally but very upset with his choice to engage in this behavior yet again after being warned repeatedly. I expressed disappointment in his reaction to being caught also. No remorse, but blaming us that we never said such a consequence. LIE. Later on though he said he knows he was wrong and though he doesn't think it's fair he knows the deal. No tantrum or yelling, he definitely knows he did wrong. Anyway, I can see this is clearly time for us to stick to our guns. BUT wouldn't you know dh calls and says maybe we should let him have one more chance.:rolleyes: I told him this was a conversation for him to be home and thinking logically, not at work reacting off the cuff. Oh boy is parenting hard!!!!!!! Thanks for your replies and encouragement. This isn't a consequence that really affects us, just him. Mainly his social/recreational outlet which stinks cuz he loved and greatly benefitted from the activity! Dang it~~~~~
  8. Bummer. My dh set a reasonable very clear expectation before my son with a very clear consequence should he break this requirement. DH repeatedly asked ds if he understood it, asked if there were any problems with it and told ds he was not to do this. Well, wouldn't you know I catch him doing that exact thing this am. DS just stood with his hands over his face looking up to the celing. He knew he'd been "busted". He also knows the reality of the consequence. I need to hear some encouraging experiences when you've had to follow through on a painful consequence. BTW, this was set up as a deterrent as a result of his breaking this rule before AND we gave him another chance by laying this line down. I know we can't go back on our word at this point - it's just very hard! Stink, stink, stinker kid! Sin, sin, sinning kid - just like me I know...
  9. I'm pregnant and not getting as much physical exercise as I'm used to since it's been cold and I've had a cold. I have sciatica also and the baby seems to be making it worse. The two mile walks I took four times per week before pregnancy are rarely happening now. I'd love to hear your favorite exercise/stretching dvd's. Relaxing/yoga ish? (don't know much about yoga but sounds good right now) sessions included is a major plus too. thanks
  10. I have a son doing 9th grade work now which includes a LOT of reading. His preference is to lay on his bed when doing this and sometimes (gasp) listen to music.:D I'm having a hard time deciding if I should allow this. His comprehension is being tested by these higher level books and I feel he needs to concentrate. On the other hand, I bought this program that gives a schedule and provides the books to allow him increased ownership of his work and I also want him to enjoy the flexibility he has in being homeschooled. How much freedom do you allow your 9th graders to have - and is this something they grow into with your help? I'm guessing at this point he should be more than capable of deciding in what order he'll do things. I know I'll just have to feel it out but I'd love to hear how those of you with big giant kids do it.
  11. I'm with ya girl - no organ eating here either... And I've always bought whole chickens thinking I was more savvy in the financial department. Now I feel kind jipped. Like I've done all that work of washing and paper towel drying that big disgusting (I'm pregnant, anything raw is disgusting) hunk of bird and I could've saved more money slapping down some br#$s in half the time!
  12. Whew. I hope so - it's in the oven now. So, I'm afraid to ask...do some of you - gag, spit, cough EAT it?? :eek:
  13. Tried to cut it off but my knife isn't strong enough. So I"m broiling it - but - if I do will the meat flake away from the skin? I'm preggo and am not taking a chance on eating the skin - and that just sounds icky.
  14. I won't have enough room in the oven for them in the morning - will they still be wonderfull???????
  15. We are serving brunch to 35 - we're having: breakfast casserole - thanks Sharon in SC veggie tray with dip muffins Quiver's cinnamon rolls and fruit salad or fruit pieces - not sure which way I'm going with that yet do we need another addition? I'm not sure about the muffins AND cinnamon rolls - I was thinking coffee cake but that's a bread too???? The casserole takes care of egg, meat, cheese and potatoes so I'm really not sure what else to serve. These guys can eat so I need something else...needs to be make ahead too.
  16. Either I feel bad that I haven't made a nice breakfast for my family and that they're eating cereal or muffins. OR I feel bad that they're eating eggs and sausage and pancakes or french toast or whatever yummy thing I've made that morning and they'll end up with heart disease as adults. Haven't I read a "good mom" gets up with her dh and makes a nourshing filling breakfast for him and the children before they "head off" for their day? I don't want us all to be overweight and we are eagerly trying to incorporate whole grains and eating more fruits and veggies as a whole, but breakfast just seems to be that one area my children need meat!!!to function well schoolwise. Can someone tell me it's fine they eat sausage? Halfway made in jest, but seriously, who do I listen to? Those whole food purist friends of mine or those in laws that have eaten a hearty breakfast since birth practically and are now 78 and 85 :) and say I'm crazy for worrying. Thanks for listening to a confused, hormonal, tired, pregnant mom who really loved her sausage and scrambled eggs this am.
  17. SL Core 200 is a new purchase for us. Our first attempt at Sonlight. I went with that over TOG (tried that at the rhetoric level for the first unit of yr 1). I needed something that was easiest on me, books included type program so you'll have to weigh my mindset with reading the rest of this post. We tried WTM way but also found that entirely too hard on mom to keep a momentum and discuss and choose books that we needed to cover. To calm some of my concerns that SL may not be enough, I spoke with a high school literature teacher (English 10 to be exact). When I told her they were to read 27 lit choices she laughed. "There is no way! you'd see that in public school." I asked her about making my son read Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice. While her answer it varies with each student's ability to handle it, she said one literature professor told her she could wait to have kids read those in college. She did say to make sure they're doing a variety of writing assignments and to consider going into fewer books deeper instead of going through more books at a shallow level. Writing usually forces kids to delve deeper into higher level thinking and critiquing of a book so include as much of that as possible. She called them "extensions" and said many are available over the internet. Anyway, I feel we're in great shape for literature for this year with what I've seen so far. As far as history, it's the History of the Church - so I'm sure it's more than he'd get at any public school before I even look at the program :) I can't speak to depth just yet but I know what we're doing so far, although it doesn't touch on the ancients as Tapestry did, I think what it does cover it covers well. At this point, it's too new to really know but I felt compelled to reply with our experience. Hope this rambling helps.
  18. Good luck with it. Quiver - I still have the TWSS disks if you need to borrow them but I don't think you'll need to with the SWI-C disks. IEW has made writing instruction and correction!!!!! painless (well, not painless but less painfull) for us. It's a resource we continually pull from anytime we have problems - even with some simple note taking strategies we rewatched the KWO info again and it clicked as to how he could better streamline his history notes for a difficult book he's reading there. Enjoy it.
  19. www.icanread.com My little girl is having a blast with the worksheets this am! Thought someone else might like to check it out. Stephanie
  20. I'm about to have a baby girl - let's see...what would I like most? As selfish as this may sound, something for ME. A relaxing CD, bubble bath, nice! lotion (Bath and Body sells Medela I think it's called, great for preggo bellies) - something like that. I hope she'll be getting plenty of babyish layette type stuff - a nice treat for mom or a homemade meal to freeze would be my preference. How nice of you to shower her!
  21. I know there is an online link with information containing sources of paragraphs for extra practice of outlining. If anyone can direct me I would appreciate it. Stephanie
  22. Gail, so you're giving him one whole music credit ? If he continues doing this amount of practice and work, will you give him one credit each year? Thanks for the replies. Stephanie
  23. AGHHH. I don't like posts like this. We're just starting TT Algebra. I can tell you the pre-algebra has saved our days and my sanity! My son wanted to reply - "I love it." Good enough for me for now. We're on lesson 2 so I'll let you know when we finish. Also, I won't be reading the replies in this thread :p. I'm soooo glad we switched. HOpe it stays this way through Algebra.
  24. This thread is interesting to me - we left TOG for Sonlight because I wanted pick up and go :) Are you using the upper levels with SL? Although there is definitely not the meat in the teacher's information or answer keys in SL that TOG has in their teacher's notes - I still am finding plenty to discuss with my 9th grader. Consider buying SWB's Well Educated Mind to help you with the literature discussions. She gives tons of info in that book, your library may even have it. For history discussions - I"ve found the most fruitful discussions have come forth when I simply read the material and discuss his interpretation of those events. I left TOG mainly because of the mom prep work required. I actually sat down last night to read through his literature assignments for the week and answer the questions that went with it when I remember SL has all the answers laid out in the answer key. I was one happy slappy camper - my husband just laughed and wondered if I was loosing my mind! Freed me up to play a quick round of cards with the kids before bed. THANK YOU SL!!!!!!!
  25. There is still tons of time to teach them all you can. While they're interested now - sit them on the couch and READ READ READ - or for that matter let them lie on the floor with legos or whatever - coloring books and markers - but read to them. Now that I have a high schooler (while still schooling littler ones) I am SO GLAD I helped developed a love for good literature. We'd be in deep trouble if he didn't like reading at this point of the game. Enjoy them - they grow VERY fast. Stephanie ps I'm pregnant too - I hope I can remember this throughout those earlier years. Congrats to you. Don't worry about tomorrow for today has enough of it's own troubles :) - book of Matthew I think...
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