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Posts posted by MissKNG



    1. By the time this possible baby was born, my son would be almost 8 so they wouldn't be near enough in age to play well together.




    My sister is 8 years older than me and my brother is 10 years older than me. We had absolutely nothing in common until I graduated college. We were always in different chapters in life (elementary school verses high school, college verses work force/marriage/kids). I mean, when I was 5, she was 13...what the heck did we have in common then?? Now, we are all married with children so we are pretty much at the same point in life.


    Also, it is your own personal decision but I do have some thoughts I would like to share as a child with older parents. My mom was 35ish and my dad was 40ish when I was born. The past few years, I have watched them age, go to the doctor more, become tired sooner, etc. (I can't even type this without my eyes welling up with tears). I hate it and it completely terrifies me. My FIL is 70 and just lost his mother. I won't have a mother or father when I'm in my 70s or 60s or maybe even 50s. It's the worse thought/feeling in the world.



    There is no correct answer that fits everyone but from my own experiences and life, I would not want to have a child after age 35. Again, I'm saying this gently because I know many on this board have kiddos over 35. It's just not right for me.

  2. I'm going on year 3 of home schooling in NYS, for 2 different districts.

    The one I am in now is very hands off as long as you follow the guidelines of NYS.


    It also helps I am a certified teacher. I tend to emphasize that in my correspondence so they treat me like an equal.


    Of course you do not need degrees to teach home school.


    I use their dates. Whatever makes it easier for them to butt out. No reason to get nutty and fight for something stupid like reporting dates.


    Follow the rules, know the rules, and don't get nervous!!:lol:


    ALWAYS SEND ALL PAPERWORK by mail you can track. Also keep a copy on a memory stick. These are my suggestions.


    They gave me reporting dates and I felt the same way. I'm not going to ruffle feathers. I would have picked dates close to theirs anyways.


    I did send the IHIP certified mail. I am preparing for a call since I didn't fill out their form completely since they asked for extra info. Hopefully they won't call!



  3. I was 23ish when I had all four pulled at once. I DID get knocked out (it was out of pocket because my insurance didn't cover it but it was the best money I spent!).


    Recovery wasn't bad. I had it done Friday and was back at work on Monday. I used the pain killers for one day then didn't need them anymore. The worst was when they had to change the gauze in the holes. I almost passed out sitting in the chair but I'm sooooo squeamish so that was the issue.

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