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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. We live in the UK and I'm not sure whether my wee boy would be starting Kindergarten in the US this year or not. It would be helpful to know. He turns 5 on 1 November. Thanks.



    He would start Kindergarten if he lived in my state (Dec 1st cut off).


    ETA: Welcome to the board!!

  2. I will be 35 this fall and today I'm wearing a plain yellow tshirt and a green "mini"skirt...I say "mini" because it was considered short when I bought it about ten years ago. When I put my arms down to my sides, it is about even with my thumbs.


    I haven't bought new clothes in a really long time and just wear the classic, tasteful stuff I did in my 20's. Khaki shorts, solid tank tops, sundresses, jeans, long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts.


    And sorry, Ellie, but I still wear I sundress that I bought when I was 18:D


    The old way of thinking illustrated by the food pyramid with grains and carbs as the base of the pyramid is and was wrong and damaging. We should be eating far fewer carbs/grains (whether whole grain or not) and more fat and protein.




    I'm a big fan of the "old" food pyramid so I have to disagree. I think the problem is portion related, not the carbs themselves. You can't eat a large sub and whine that you are getting fat because of the bread. Well, you probably just ate the entire "base" of the food pyramid in that one meal. And you still have breakfast, dinner and snacks. After all that, you probably ate 2 or more "bases" of the pyramid in one day. Portions!


    I do agree what whole grain is better than white.

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