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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. We will lightly work on doing unit studies based on the Magic Treehouse book we are reading and my big girl will work in Beast Academy and small girl will work on SM Earlybird activity book A. My big girl also is playing soccer, going to recreation and attending a free daily science class when she wants.


    And lots of family day trips and hiking! Oh yeah, the girls are also planting a vegetable garden!

  2. Plan? This is how I plan...I have our materials in an upright caddy and pull out the books I want to use that day. I open them up and decide what I would like to cover that day and stick a bookmark in those pages. This method is for curriculum that isn't planned for me like Singapore Math. If I'm using something with a schedule, I look at the schedule and pull out the stuff that is needed for the lesson.


    In a nutshell, I stopped planning in advance and just go day by day.

  3. Though I agree with Singapore Essentials, I bought the Earlybird Activity book for my small girl to work in. I think she will like the cut and paste stuff and I chose only the activity book because I think the "A" material will be a bit easy.

  4. Here is some things we are using for second grade:


    BJU Bible 2, various devotional books

    Singapore Math 4, Beast Academy as supplement and various other stuff

    Christian Kids Explore Earth Science and Astronomy

    BJU English 2/3, Spelling 2, readers and books

    Logic, geography, read alouds, crafts


    Her younger sister is going to use Sonlight P4/5 and I'm sure big girl will enjoy sitting in with that!

  5. We just completed first grade and used:


    Bible: BJU Bible, various devotional books


    Math: Singapore Math 2/3a as our spine while dabbling with MEP, Beast Academy 3a, random books and other resources (Cyber Chase is huge right now!), CWP


    Science: has been interest led and we studied Chemistry (using NOEO) and human body


    LA: BJU English and Spelling, readers, read alouds


    Other: logic, crafts, anything else that she wanted to work on

  6. I'm in the "follow your gut, follow your kid" camp...do what you think is right and don't worry about what others think. I'm sure there's a hundred things I do that would cause people's heads to shake on this board (gasp!)! You know your kiddo, not anyone else.


    I have an aggressive learner as well, especially in math and science. I always have lots of materials, resources, books, etc. available. I have been letting her choose her science topics and that has worked out well. I do keep on the lookout for stuff that I think she would enjoy. Right now, I'm trying to get my hands on Horrible Science and Horrible Geography books.


    After much trial and error, I found that my roll is her facilitator. I have stuff available and am there for guidance and some teaching. I am blessed that she is doing well on her own and she just turned six last week! It's a ride with these kids but it's soooo worth it when you just watch them thrive!

  7. Aside from not being ready, Mr. Popper's Penguins is a pretty "meaty" chapter book imo with few pictures and "proper" language. What about trying reader chapter books like Cam Jansen or Henry and Mudge? Bigger words, shorter chapters and nice pictures.

  8. Oh yes...I have two of "those"!


    Lots of mental stimulation, outdoor play, etc. helps here but they are still bouncing off the walls at night!


    I do have their 8 year old cousin down often and she spends the night. It gives me a break because they all play together.


    I agree with the art project accessibility. I keep all sorts of paper, scissors, glue, markers/crayons/colored pencils, etc out for them.


    It's exhausting, I'm always tired but I wouldn't trade my kiddos' quirks for anything because that's what makes them my girls! :D


    But I will popcorn this for more ideas! :lurk5:

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