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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. I'm burned out right now. I'm ending our school year this week rather than the 31st for our official school "year". Then we are taking a few weeks off before summer fun stuff.


    My burn out is mainly related to the fact that I've been babysitting two additional kiddos FT since January. This job ends the third week week in June.


    I agree that taking a break helps a lot! When I do want my big girl to work on something and I'm just too "ugh" to want to do anything, I create "assignment" packets for her. I staple a few math or English pages together and let her work on them alone for the week. I print stuff off online and she works on them.

  2. Glad to hear such good things about SL. We are going to add in all the SL books from the P4/5 core this year because the girls wanted more books and we haven't done many on that list.


    It took me a while to take the SL plunge and I'm glad we did. We worked P3/4, Science K and a bunch of Core D (had to sell cause I needed some $$ but my big girl loved it!) and soon P4/5.

  3. She will! I'm not allowed to read Uncle Wiggily unless D-Man is there. He remembers all of the books from when he did it and loves reliving them. It's a great core!!



    They both loved P3/4 when we used that a while back! I know my big girl will definitely want to do the science too...along with the few other topics she is working on! I am excited to use it and am glad that we are starting it earlier! Hehe! They will have their own math - Big girl will continue with BA during the summer and small girl will begin Singapore.

  4. Sure! I finally decided on Sonlight P4/5 for my small girl with Singapore Math. We will just continue with the stuff we are currently using for my big girl, though she will probably want to participate in the SL action too!


    ETA: Actually, I use different materials when we do a light summer school and I'm just going to use the P4/5 for that (not daily though, usually 2-3 times a week) for both girls.

  5. I keep the pages in the workbooks. We have a lot of consumables. I even use the Singapore Math textbook as consumable (gasp!). Right now, I have a banker box that is labeled with my girls' grade levels and I put the workbooks and various projects, crafts, etc in those boxes. I keep workbooks so we can show that they have completed these programs.

  6. Five year olds can do Beast Academy. My big girl turns six this month and started BA when it rolled out in March. We were also fortunate enough to receive the sample chapter that came out and she worked well in that. I didn't use the placement test since she worked fine in the sample chapter and was in Singapore 3. No regrets from me or her:D

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