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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. It would be too early if unless you are as regular as clockwork, I think. I never had nausea or any blood at all. To me, that would mean a period is imminent.


    I've never had sign #1 in my life! I was suprised when I saw it. I've also never felt nausea before a period. Which is why I'm slightly :001_huh:.


    And I think I'm two days late. I remember I get it around the 7th or 8th, pretty regularly.

  2. Is is our first official year with dd6 and we report to the state!


    Most of what we do is in my signature. This year, I'm focusing more on handwriting and reading (dd can read but is very reclutant). I only plan on doing US History once a week and science 2-3 times a week when the weather turns colder and we are stuck inside.


    The girls have been doing art every day and have been painting. They also listen to music while painting so I mark that down as both art and music (required).

  3. If I had the money, I would love shopping for clothes! But I just don't like spending the money.


    If you are looking for a skirt, you can never go wrong with an A-lined skirt. They flatter pretty much most body shapes and usually make your waist look smaller since they "bell" out at the bottom. Same thing with boot cut jeans...the bell at the bottom draws your eyes upward and makes your legs look longer.

  4. . For a school year beginning in September, allowing children to start first grade when their birthdays are November 30 can really be problematic. .


    Eh, depends on the child. I started school a couple months shy of 5 (December 1st cut off and my late fall birthday) and was the second youngest in the class. I didn't have any issues academically or socially. I also graduated at 17 and went off to college. The only issue was in college - I was the last of my friends to turn 21!;)

  5. DD6 would be a first grader in ps. Our cutoff is December 1st. She would graduate at age 18 since her birthday is in May and graduation is in June.


    I went to Kindergarten a couple months shy of 5 and graduated when I was 17.


    DD3 will be 4 in November and would also start K prior to turning 5 if she goes to ps. And would graduate at 17 since graduation is in June.


    I was in the second youngest kid in my class. School went fine for me academically and socially. I wasn't troubled because I started school young. The only "issue" was when I went to college and was the absolute last of my friends to turn 21!:tongue_smilie:

  6. My big girl is currently at first grader and I have to report to the state. For art and music, we don't do anything fancy...I bought a bunch of art supplies and she just goes to town with the supplies. Lately, the girls have been painting. While they are working on their art projects, I put on some music...yesterday it was classical and the other day, we listened to a Bela Fleck CD. They painted and listened to music for over an hour - that was art and music. Easy, cheap (we have an Xbox so I use last.fm for music a lot).


    We don't use this but Rod & Staff has very inexpensive workbooks. When I buy math books, I use eBay often since I can specifically buy from people who offer free shipping.


    Google free handwriting worksheets...there are a lot of those and some you can generate yourself.


    Also, utilize the "want to buy" board here.

  7. 9/6: $108 for oil change and two valve replacements:glare:, $2 for a snack while waiting for said oil change and valve replacements (for two very patient girls!)

    $2 for one feeder mouse


    Total spent so far: $297


    I bought the girls cookies today while on our walk: $2

    (it was taken out of my "weekly allowance")


    Total as of 9/7: $299

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