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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. The semi-homemade recipes I've seen just look so expensive,

    Any advice??



    Just some thoughts because I cook a lot. There are a few "staples" that I always have on hand to make stuff. When you get this stuff in large quantities, it usually can last a long time.


    1. a huge bag of potatoes - any potato item we eat is made from here (except tater tots cause I just don't know how to make them) - mashed, scalloped, hash browns, home fries, baked, etc.


    2. a huge bag of apples - tons of options especially in the dessert department


    3. Flour/sugar/other "normal" baking items - 99% desserts, I make - cakes, muffins, cookies, etc.


    4. Eggs/butter/bread - breakfast and baking


    5. Pasta noodles/sauce


    6. Chicken/meat


    7. Cheese -I buy the bricks because they have more options - slice it, shred it, cube it, etc.


    Those are the things you will always find at my house so I can make stuff. Of course we have lots of fruits and veggies too but if you are in a crunch, any of those items can make a good meal and have lots of combinations.


    Your $40-$50 take out will buy you A LOT of the stuff listed above. And with a family of 9, I would imagine you will double up (we are a family of 4). And I buy most of this stuff at Aldis, Save A Lot and Walmart. No fancy places.

  2. Direct TV was a nightmare. Our box kept breaking, the channels were terrible (about 50% were workout infommercials) and ultimately we dropped it for Time Warner (who helped pay for us to get out of our contract). I would never recommend Direct TV to anyone. And don't even ask dh about them cause he will rant for an hour!

  3. I tend to be busy mainly because I don't like to sit still. There is always something that could be done around the house, for example. Plus I have two highly, highly active children that keep me going too and they don't require a lot of sleep. We stay busy with daily life not so much with extracurricular activities. Big girl is in 4-H now and participates in soccer and recreation in the summer.


    Part of my "busy" is in the kitchen. I'm not a fan of processed foods and try to make as much from scratch as I can. Lots of Americans are busy with other things that they rely on fast food....different kinds of busy here.

  4. Someone else's blood stain...no way, the sheets would be in the trash. I usually find nice deals at walmart in the clearance isle. They may not be the coolest colors (I got a king sized sheet set for $25 with a good thread count...they are gold!) but the prices aren't bad. Money is tight here too but I would make it happen!:D


    ETA: the blood stained sheet would be in the trash, I would make use of the non stained sheet.

  5. Except for a few meltdowns and fights between the sisters, we are doing well. Math is the last subject for the day and big girl has 4-H tonight.


    Today is small girl's BIRTHDAY!!! She is 4!! I'm going to take them for an early supper at their favorite pizza joint. Then after dropping off big girl to 4-H, small girl will pick out two cake mixes for me to bake on Saturday.


    Housework is going well, school is going well. Happy that it's a short week next week (just working Mon and Tues!).


    Currently making ham, mashed potatoes and beans for lunch - all small girl's favorites!

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