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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. My big girl is a 1st grader and here are the main programs we are using this year:


    BJU Bible 1/2

    BJU English and Spelling 1/2

    BJU Heritage Studies 1

    Horizons Math 3/4 and some Singapore Math 3

    Mr Q's Life Science

    Readers, library, music, art/crafts, read alouds, hand writing

    PE, bike safety, health, patriotism (required by state)


    I utilize this website often:


  2. Do you have family nearby that would be willing to help out here and there?


    Or it may be cheaper to hire someone to watch the boys for a couple of hours so you can get stuff done around the house?


    Do the boys help out? The oldest two can definitely pick stuff up and put away. The oldest could have the job of keeping the bathroom clean - wiping out the sink and wiping up the floor, for example.


    Is it reasonable to have a client every other month instead of monthly? This could be temporary then you can go back to monthly.


    On days you have client meetings, I would use the crockpot - then dinner will be all ready for you without any work. You can also premake some meals and freeze them for the week. Frozen dinner rolls are also awesome! I spray a muffin tin with cooking spray mid-morning, drop a frozen roll in each cup and they are ready for baking by dinner time!


    Just some ideas....

  3. :eek::blink:I'm blinking in confusion right now?? Pocket money on myself?? LOL! I voted $0-5.

    Except for the bag I bought myself on vacation last week, I can't remember the last time I just went out and bought something for myself for the "heck of it". On our trip, I did buy myself a dress and a skirt but returned it the next day because I thought about how the girls needed new sneakers and a winter coat soon!;)


    ETA: I give myself a $20 a week allowance, and I do buy salads from Burger King with that money but that's for my lunches. So of course that money spent at BK isn't spent at the store for me. Most of my allowance money goes to buying treats for the girls!


    ETA #2: And it's not a mom thing with me, I was never one to go out and spend money on stuff for myself above essentials.

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