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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. I manage things very easily.


    #1 - I have a set routine. I can;'t imagine not having one. I would be lost!

    #2 - My girls wake up very early (5:30am/6am) and go to bed around 9pm so my days are long. I have plenty of time to do things.

    #3 - I don't stop moving...there is always something to do. This, in turn, eliminates my need to formally exercise because my day is so active and busy.

    #4 - Multi-tasking, doing two or more things at once. A big thing is cleaning dishes while cooking. Clean something while waiting for stuff to cook.

  2. Honestly, it really sounds like a very "teenage" thing to do. Chips and salsa are much more appealing than meat, sweet pototoes and kale for a teen, imo. I think the snacking while waiting for the dinner to be served is a bad habit to get into - teen is not going to starve if he/she needs to wait another 20 minutes to eat.


    On the other hand, if this happened outside the home, I would find it to be rude unless the chips and salsa were purposely set out to munch on after dinner.

  3. Our household runs best on a schedule and with routine so I have set snack times between meals. Of course, if they are hungry when it's not snack time, I'll give them something small. Unless mealtime is very close (within 30 minutes) then they can wait for the meal because I don't want them filled with snacks and not eat the meal.


    We're going to try LoF Physics with the APS past Spectra Projects this year.


    I also downloaded and printed the two "Color Me Physics" books from the APS site. I think she'll enjoy them ;).




    :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:





    I signed up to get a free kit three years ago and get a new one each spring. My big girl eats them up. The APS site is great!




    ETA: By "shotgun wedding" I mean where a couple ends up pregnant and the parents (especially the woman's parents) strongly pressure the couple to marry, regardless of their compatibility. No actual shotgun is necessary. If the woman was not pregnant, the parents wouldn't be pressuring or encouraging them to marry, and in fact, they might not even think it was a good idea otherwise.


    I know of a few of these sorts of weddings due to pregnancy and I can't think of any that didn't result in divorce. Sadly.

  6. Oh yeah. Even as far back as high school...I had Italian Dunkers (fancy term for breadsticks) and they made me sick. Never ate them again while in high school and the thought of them now makes me wrinkle my nose. I can eat other breadsticks but not Italian Dunkers.

  7. These threads always make me ~sigh~ and dream of children that sleep for 11ish hours because mine certainly DO NOT!


    I put my small girl to bed around 8pm and my big girl to bed around 9pm. I have no idea as to when they actually fall asleep. I've heard them up and bumping around in bed long after being put there (they have different rooms too). They are up between 5:30am and 6am. Not matter what. I estimate they get 8-9 hours of sleep at night with my big girl being a little less. They wake up, I don't have to wake them.

  8. Oh yes! I have two and they feel like six - I usually feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Between the academic needs, the quirks, the extremely.non.stop.high.engery, the little sleep they require, etc, etc, etc...


    You are not alone!!


    Cooking and baking - the girls work well and keep busy when I let them bake and cook things.

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