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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. No, no, never! I don't even like leaving the crockpot on. That even makes me nervous despite the fact they are SUPPOSE to be left on.


    My parents' house burned down in the blizzard of '77 so I grew up in an extremely "fire paranoid" home. It was caused by an electrical issue.

  2. Let's see:



    -three laundry loads

    -beds made

    -swept snow off porch

    -breakfast and lunch done with kitchen cleaned up

    -Bible, English, math, art, music

    -dh off to work

    -Finances done

    -Letter to Grandma written

    -Grocery shop and mail Grandma's letterTo do:




    to do:

    -supper and clean up

    -big girl needs to RA

  3. I missed most of last month! We got our tax returns back and I planned and sorted it all out so I'm very happy with the outcome. We have a few items we needed to purchase with a little of the money so the beginning of the month is going to have a large planned expense.


    I track the stuff we spend out of our checking account, I don't list the stuff I spend on my weekly "allowance".


    3/1 - treat for dh: KFC $20, groceries: $25

    3/2 - planned spending $20 (at a birthday party)

    3/3 - planned spending $300 (dh's snake needs a larger tank :bored: )

  4. I am a high strung individual that dislikes sitting still especially when there is so much to do. If the girls are going overnight somewhere, I spend the morning getting everything done that I would want to have done - house cleaned/picked up, dishes done, clothes away, or anything I feel needs to be done. It gets done before they leave. Then I can relax after they are gone.


    Yes, I'm strange...

  5. When I think of "deprived", I think of all the materialistic things society deems as necessary to be fulfilled. Vacations, RVs, pools, hand held games, xbox, yada, yada.


    IMHO, I think quality family time is how you can really feel like you are doing stuff and not be deprived. I would use all of the money saving tips and purchase a few things to enhance your family time together. Here are some things we do: state park membership - in the summer, we are always hiking, picnicing, going to the playgrounds. Once a month movie theater. We go out as a family once a month to the theater. Hiking and biking down the local nature trails. Window shopping at the mall. Kid's Museum membership, nice family outing (pack your own lunch). Family bike rides. Right now, in the winter we are ice skating at the college ice rink (very cheap).


    Just some ideas of "doing" things together.

  6. What a day...


    We left at 7:20am to go with dh to his follow up appointment for a work related injury. We spent 2.5 hours there! Exhausting!


    Regardless, done:

    - dh's appointment, got him sent to work

    - bills paid and mailed

    -went to bank

    -picked up a few things at Walmart

    -breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes done

    -dried clothes put away

    - small girl is showered

    - changed our bed sheets

    - English and art done

    -house picked up


    Nothing left to do tonight!

  7. I have no problem with kids reading twaddle, although I hate that word. If it helps develop a love of reading, what's the big deal? I think I read every GooseBumps book to my son when he was 4 or 5, then every Bunnicula book and all the Animorphs . Once he learned to read he read them again himself. I have a million happy memories of laughing with him about the potato/sponge monster under a sink, and how Harold tried to hit Bunnicula with a steak(instead of a stake!). I think it's natural, and most kids are able to eventually move on to deeper reading without being scarred for life.


    :iagree: :iagree:


    I think the whole "twaddle" paranoia is an eye roller. My big girl doesn't like to read so if she read twaddle, I'd be thrilled. In fact, I have tried to entice her with (~gasp~) those rainbow fairy books!


    I read plenty of twaddles as a child and definitely was not harmed in any way. I am a "twaddle survivor!"" :thumbup:

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