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Posts posted by MissKNG

  1. How about—and here's a really wild idea—you invite the neighbor kids over to see the pond (to satisfy their curiosity, and while they're there you let them feed the fish with proper fish food?


    While they are visiting you explain you don't want them jumping the fence and going into your yard (and why) and that while it isn't good to throw people food in the pond if they want to come back in a few weeks and feed the fish again when the family is home they can knock on the door. Explain they can't come everyday, because your children have school at home, but of they want to come over every one-in-a-while while you're home, they can knock.


    How's that?




    LOL! That's like feeding the stray neighborhood cat once and expecting it to never return! Those kids will return and return and return over and over and over again. They are small kids! They won't remember all of the explanation much less reason amongst themselves as to when "every once in a while" is!


    Then the OP will have to start another thread asking advice on how to gently get rid of them!!

  2. What if you live in an urban environment and you don't have a car?



    Then I probably would have been rather close to home and would have just went back home to change the diaper. Or went to a discrete spot and changed the diaper in the stroller (which I've done IRL at the playground, softball games, etc). I've even rolled the stroller into the big stall in the bathroom and changed the diaper in the stroller.

  3. . HOWEVER, we are wondering if it would be legal to find another long bench seat and put a long bench in the middle AND in the back. We called the dealer and he said because our van is so old (*cough* 2000...) we would have to look in junk yards. I don't know how likely it is we'd find one anyway, but IF we could find this seat that would fit in our van, would this be against safety regulations? Illegal? Invalidate our car insurance? Where the heck can I find this out?





    Honestly, I would be asking the DMV or police department for the legality of this. Then your insurance company for your insurance concerns.

  4. Small girl: terrified of bugs - you'd think someone is torturing her and it takes a while to calm her down if one gets on her.

    She is a neat freak. She can't leave a bottle tipped over or something not in place.

    Over the top emotions.


    Big girl: Not a fan of loud sounds either.

    Doesn't sleep much, I thought she was getting at least 9 hours a night but now I think it's much less.

    Always asking how and why of things...I can't keep up.


    Both: Both have the psychomotor OE - non stop energy from the second they get up (very early) to the moment they go to bed. Always fidgeting and flopping around. We have to do a "mandatory sit down and watch TV" time when I just can't take it anymore!! And I thought being outside would wear them out....nope, not at all.

  5. Well, Day #1 of Operation Early Riser is a bust. I forgot that the baby often wakes up at 6:00. I don't know if I can pull off 5:00, you guys. That sounds insane to me.


    I don't think 5am is insane!! It's perfectly sane!! :laugh:


    But I think if you aren't used to it and are not a morning person, you aren't going to magically wake up at 5am for the first time with bells on! Try to ease into it. Set your alarm for 15 minutes before you would normally wake up, then keep up with those intervals until you are at your desired earlier time.

  6. I wake up about 5am every morning and my girls get up between 5:30/5:45am.


    Fortunately, my body adapts well to change! I "trained" myself to be a morning person in college. I scheduled as many early classes as I could. Then I would set my alarm and put it ACROSS the room so I would HAVE to get up to turn it off. It's way too easy to hit snooze and go back to bed when the clock is right next to the bed. But when it's across the room, you are up!

  7. I use a lot of the same foods but in different combinations when feeding the girls. Some examples:


    eggs, turkey bacon, toast (sometimes with butter and other times with peanut butter)

    eggs, turkey bacon, bagel (each girl gets a half and sometimes buttered or with peanut butter)

    bagel half, yogurt with fruit topped, turkey bacon

    homemade Denny's Breakfast slam - eggs, turkey bacon, pancakes

    pancakes alone or smaller pancake portion with fruit side or turkey bacon

    frozen waffles with a side of fruit or turkey bacon

    eggs, turkey bacon, banana

    French toast alone or smaller portion with turkey bacon or fruit side


    Sometimes I subsititute an English muffin for the carb. I don't feed them cereal often for breakfast but if I do, I give a side of berries for them to add themselves.



    I personally eat a protein bar and coffee every morning.

  8. Do you wake your children?


    No! I never have to wake my children, they are up each morning between 5:30 and 6am. Not matter what! They haven't napped for years but we do a daily "quiet time" after lunch for about an hour.


    Hope you can find something that works for you!!

  9. My big girl is a second grader next fall. Here are our main programs:


    Bible: BJU Bible 2, Kid's devotionals


    Math: Singapore Primary Math 4b/5a mixed with Horizons 4/5, CWP, maybe LoF something


    English: BJU English and Spelling 2, read alouds, chapter books


    Science: ?


    History/Geography: BJU Heritage Studies 2


    Other: PE, art, music, 4-H, assorted other things required by the state

  10. My big girl is a first grader. Here are the main programs we are currently using:


    Bible: BJU Bible Truths and various kid's devotionals

    Math: about to start Singapore Math 4, CWP, various books like Penrose the Mathematical Cat

    English: BJU English and Spelling 1, readers

    Science: Chemistry using Basher Books and library books, Mr Q's Life Science

    Handwriting: BJU English and Kumon Writing books, pen pals

    History: BJU Heritage Studies 1

    Other: PE, art, music, reading, read alouds, health, cooking/baking - all done without curricula

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