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Everything posted by kwg

  1. FIL likes chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream. We usually buy them but I thought I might try to make one. Anyone know of a good recipe or how to make it?
  2. Thank you so much!:D I am taking in all that you all have said. It has made me giggle all the talk of night weaning. I thought he was night weaned...lol. Waking up at 4 is a heck of a lot better than what he was doing!!! This morning though he slept until 6. I think I need to set the limit of not in the bed. If we get up, he gets involved and busy. That may help some anyway. He does not nurse to sleep anymore so that is good- really it is just if I sit or lay down :lol: . I bought Maggie's Weaning yesterday. Thank you!! It has been helpful to read everyone's experiences and thoughts!
  3. :eek: :confused: :w00t: :blink: :crying: I could actually chose a whole slew of smilies to fit this topic. I have a 3 and a half year old and I would like to wean him. He, however, has NO interest in weaning. I am fine with that. I am still ready (but there is a small part that is worried I will damage him psychologically by weaning before he is ready....but at the same time I am done.) Our most challenging times is 4 AM. The early morning is the hardest because I really just want to go back to sleep :o. Hubby is not interested in sleeping with him alone although I could prob talk him into it or beg if need be. He still asks to nurse if I sit down but can be distracted and accepts no usually. Though sometimes he persists. FOr the most part , he is down to 1-2 times a day, at home only. Sooo...any tips, advice, stories? How long does it take? I assume it is obvious but just in case- I would prefer tips on how to wean, not judgments on how long we have been nursing. Thank you! I am embarrassed and worried what others think :blushing: Thank you for any and all thoughts!
  4. Every.time.:glare: until we got new toilets and now......not at all! We got aquasource ones I think from Lowe's.
  5. :D Well good! You are on the right track then! It is a nice group. I think a little slower in the summers. There are lots of co-ops too in the area- some you have to stay but some you can drop off. Prob closer to fall they will start advertising more. Good luck!
  6. We meet in Virginia Beach. This is another very active group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/homeschooling-in-hamptonroads/
  7. Where do you live in VA? You could come to our co-op :D We are very laid back and having a couple of nursing toddlers so it doesn't bother anyone ;)
  8. :iagree: When we got ours my son played it continuously for several weeks. It was ridiculous! Any time we sat for even a second out popped the thing :glare:. I was worried but dh told me to give it time. After a few weeks that was it. He still plays it but it is just occasionally- like a couple of days every few months or something or a little more if he gets a new game. I wonder if I had made a big deal about it, would it still be an issue. So in my opinion ;), if you get it for her do it at a time that if she wants to obsess for a few weeks no biggie and THEN if she doesn't self regulate, institute the rules and such.
  9. kwg

    50 States

    Thank you so much! Lots of good ideas and I am getting excited about it! Thanks again!
  10. What are your best resources for memorizing their locations? This is for a third grader. I am still undecided if it is the best use of our time (when do people do this?...I can not remember) but still interested in whatever you all have found. Thank you!
  11. The Virginia Living Museum is a lot of fun adn the dinosaurs are back! There is a petting zoo across the street at the SPCA which is *not* a lot of fun (I do not think). My kids love the Hampton Air and Space Center also.
  12. I wish that hugs were enough right now :grouphug::grouphug: I do not know you so I hesitate to respond since you are feeling so vulnerable and regretful for sharing. (I have btdt, not here but other places) My heart really goes out to you and your family :grouphug: I am wondering if you feel like you have to meet with them, can you do it with either a therapist or minister or lawyer or......someone? NOT a friend but a professional. (Please?????) Because I agree that there is a reason they are bringing this up now and I do not think it can be a pure one. And then if you feel the children need to, same person. Supervised visits all the way. I think it would help to protect you and all of your children.
  13. Thank you so much! He has not read any of these!
  14. Ds got very excited reading this series and it is has come to an end. He reads a lot but I was wondering if your dc liked this series, what else did he/she enjoy? Ds is 7.
  15. My ds7almost8 :tongue_smilie:has asked for allowance and I am trying to wrap my brain around how to handle it. He has chores now but doesn't get paid for them. I kind of feel like he is expected to help out around the house and have trouble paying him for an expectation. On the other hand, I can see value in his earning and having his own money. His friend is getting an allowance, thus, the interest. What are age appropriate chores you have your dc complete? Do you give allowance? How much?
  16. http://www.amblesideonline.org/TaxonKeyBurgess.shtml http://burgessanimals.shutterfly.com/8 I found these which may help someone else. I am hoping for additional resources if there are any!
  17. Does anyone have a study guide or ....something that goes with this?
  18. I had not thought of that! I am going to give it a try esp since many have said their reluctant writers DID the assignments. If it seems too hard, I will put it away for a while and come back to it. It looks like a lot of fun and I am hoping we just have to get into and it will flow nicely.
  19. lol. I have a rising 3rd grader also and my goal is to get these facts down this summer. I plan on playing games though mostly. Maybe you could throw some of those in there with the other stuff. Oh! And this looks like it might be worthwhile: http://www.ellenjmchenry.com/id74.html
  20. Thank you! That does look good! I have been searching tons of lists. SO much to read, so little time :)
  21. We have been doing a book club also. Mostly I just google the name of the book and "study guide" and get quite a few hits. These might help also: http://www.multcolib.org/talk/guides.html http://www.randomhouse.com/teachers/guides/title/#N http://www.mce.k12tn.net/units/units_with_books.htm
  22. I just joined a book club for women :) I am really excited!! I love to read but I rarely do anymore so it will be nice to have something for me (not related to homeschooling or house or parenting, etc.). I have to pick 5 books and then the group will chose one of them. Soooo- hit me with your best! Nothing sad please! Hilarious, laugh out loud funny would be great but as long as it will not have me sobbing I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you!!!
  23. Is it super secret?:o I subscribed to this thread earlier hoping for a yummy recipe...can I know also?:tongue_smilie:
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