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Juliegmom last won the day on December 20 2013

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About Juliegmom

  • Birthday November 22

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    follower of Jesus, missionary wife and homeschooling mama

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  1. I'm considering using Vol 2 of the updated Streams of Civilization for World History. It appears that the teacher's guide is simply an answer key so I'm wondering how easy it is to get through this textbook in a year. I've never used Streams before but hear good things about it. I'd like a weekly schedule, but I've been doing this homeschooling thing long enough to schedule it out myself as long as I know how realistic it is to cover in a year. I'm thinking we could spend 2 weeks on each chapter since there are 17 chapters. Any thoughts?
  2. I'm looking for options for earth science for next year. We are over Apologia and need something different. Earth science would be perfect for my daughter who doesn't need a lab or anything math heavy. She's already taken biology and chemistry. I see that DIVE advertises that earth sciences can be used in high school if you use the quarterly exams and have your student chose a topic each unit to write about. Any thoughts on whether this is high school level?
  3. I noticed that MBtP Level 1 is recommended for 9th/10th grade. Any problems using this for 11th grade?
  4. Looking for reviews on MBtP. The high school level is fairly new. Anyone have any experience using this? Thank you!
  5. Your welcome! Heart of Dakota uses Bennett's books for U.S. History. You might want to checkout their website to see how they use it.
  6. So does Conceptual Chemistry not cover any math? Friendly Chemistry does include some.
  7. Woops! Yes, I meant conceptual chemistry. I edited my post. Thank you!
  8. Does anyone know how these two compare? I have Apologia which I think would be too difficult for my daughter. I bought Friendly Chemistry which I think might be too easy. I'm now considering Conceptual Chemistry with MicroChem labs.
  9. Have you looked at William Bennett's, America: The Last Best Hope, Volume II? It once had an option for online companion materials for students and teachers, called the Roadmap, but I'm not sure if that part is still available.
  10. I've observed two approaches to the scheduling of govt. Taken concurrently with US History Or Senior year with a semester each of Govt and Econ Is one more advantageous? Does the timing really matter? My 9th grader is finishing up ancients and instead of moving onto world history like I had originally planned, we've decided to do US history. We are homeschooling independently in California and while I don't have any intention of enrolling her in a charter or brick and mortar school, I was told that some schools require that govt/econ be taken senior year. I don't know how true that is, but am throwing it out there in case it needs to be a consideration. Any thoughts?
  11. I agree with Lori in guessing that the instructors are Christian. The two classes that we've had experience with did not have any Christian content.
  12. I see that Lori D. has already listed Lantern English. I just wanted to chime in to say that my daughter has taken two courses with Lantern and I've been pleased with the content and feedback. I love how easy it is to fit an 8 week class into our year and plan on enrolling my daughter in more classes in the future.
  13. I'm a big fan of HOD. My daughter used the guides from CTC through MtMM for grades 5-8. It is a solid curriculum with rich living books. The reason we went with HOD is that each guide targets a specific age and skill set. I've never heard of HOD being questioned for not being enough, but quite the opposite. While we used the middle guides pretty much as written, we will probably modify the high school guides which are often said to be too full. I love the detailed teacher guide and find it easy to cut things if necessary. Some would rather have less and add in stuff so it depends on your preference. It's hard to find a curriculum package that's going to cover everything to your liking and to meet your child's needs. For me, HOD was the closest thing to checking all the boxes.
  14. Is there a preferred format for high school transcripts? My oldest graduated from an online charter school in California and her final transcript was broken down by semester. I followed the same format when I graduated my middle daughter. Now that my youngest is in high school, I'm wondering if I can simply things by creating a transcript that only shows her final grades for each year. FWIW and I don't know if it really matters, but she will likely be applying only to private Christian universities in California. Any thoughts? Thank you!
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