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Endure to the End

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Every year there is a program or two I just end up not sticking to.


What has worked for you this year and what hasn't?


What has helped you be able to endure to the end with your curriculum?


What are your successes and failures this year?

After Christmas Vaccation I really wanted to stuff GTG. I hadn't been consistent with it and it just seemed like both the kids and I had lost all excitement for it. I had done this before with other curr. and as I was praying about it I felt I really needed to see it through. I felt that I was sending a major neg. message to my two children about if it gets difficult in any way just quit.

I went through and scheduled out the countries left, did ALL copying that needed to be done for each country and made it so all I had to do was pull the books for that day and the copy sheets and we were set. WALLA! We finished it up and both the kids and myself were very excited that we had done it.

I plan on doing the same for our history for this next year. It seems it is that daily/weekly list of having to get ready that I get hung up on. This system takes care of it for me.

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I think ETC and SOTW are the only programs that have survived this year.


Sonlight LA was a huge flop for us. We dropped it in September! We also dropped Saxon math and several spelling programs.


This was our first "real" year, and my kids are so young. I didn't see the point of trying to wade our way through anything we hated.

If they were older, I'd probably feel different. I guess we'll find out eventually, lol.

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SOTW and LFC were great hits this year. DS9 also really enjoyed RS4K Biology. We've done some great projects for Bio and both boys really enjoyed them.

Our one stellar flop this year was Spanish for Children, from the makers of Latin for Children. Man, it was a drag. It's a good program but it was similar to the Latin in that it emphasized a lot of verbs and irregular verbs. I think it was too much too soon. FWIW, I don't think I was asking too much of ds9. He's great with languages and learned every single noun and adjective just fine. LOL Those dang verbs he had a mental block against!

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Sinapore's grammar program!! Granted, I *just* got it at the convention but my kids *asked* to start it right away. lol They want to continue with math and grammar over the summer. (insert Twilight Zone music here) It's exactly what I was looking for.


My 2nd, 4th, and 6th grader are using the Grammar Practice books and my 2 older ones are using the English Grammar for Students which has a text and a workbook. That is self-directed and I love it!




One caveat: There are British spellings of some words so take that into consideration if it might throw your students. My kids are used to using Singapore math, so they are OK with it and they like the word "aeroplane". (Is that even *current* British usage??) LOL!!

Edited by 6packofun
forgot something!
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We are enduring to the end with the BJU DVD classes. My kids have about 20 lessons left so they will finish around the same time as their friends in public.


They also did really well with their co-op classes because we had some accountability.


We didn't make it very far with Lively Latin, and will try again next year.

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