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The dreaded 'fear factor' ...

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I completely agree with the college thing. I have one that wants to go into the military. I also have one that is a brilliant artist. And to be honest? I know what went on in my college experience 18 years ago and I'm shocked to hear how much wilder it has become. It's shocking that I graduated from high school and college with the limited education I feel I received. I have learned so much in the 5 years we've been homeschooling. College is not a necessity to me anymore.


I am letting them choose their own path. We are teaching them, at the moment, that suburbia and the 9 to 5 (that DH and I grew up in) is not the only way to go. We've sold our house and are in the process of getting DH back into what he loves to do. So, we aren't scared one tiny bit. We are doing what is right for our family.

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I think the difference is that you (and many of us too) are doing things primarily for positive reasons instead of negative ones. Sometimes people get so caught up in the negative reasons (what they are avoiding) that they forget the positive ones (what they are seeking). Your post was a good reminder of the things we are seeking.

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We, too, have never been motivated by fear! I like to think that our motivation is love, but that is more of a threat to people who are taking another path. My mil said once that we are "coccooning" and the way she used it made me think that she thinks I am afraid to go out into the world :glare: Her own parenting style was/is that they "have to learn how to cope in the real world and the sooner the better." Thanks for your post. We also, sadly, gave up on church attendance. We got tired of having to "debrief" the dc every Sunday afternoon.

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