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Wanting to garden but never have...

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Any advice? A friend of mine does square foot gardening. It looks simple, especially for me who has never gardened before. Any suggestions on the best veggies to plant your first time around? Do you use fertilizer? If so, what do you use?





I don't know anything about gardening either. I got my sunhat, knee pad, trowel, and gloves...ready to go...

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One piece of gardening advice I was given was to plant everything and take note of what grew so you know what to do again next year :) The idea, I think, is you'll be so busy happily planting you won't be worrying about what didn't!

The only fertiliser I ever use is a bit of seaweed solution now and then.



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I like the idea of jumping in and trying a lot of different things. Consider gardening a part of a long term science experiment. ;)


I think squash and beans are easy. Plant seeds, water a time or two, and wait for them to push their little heads out of the ground. Awesome.


In my hot and humid area, tomatoes are little prima donnas, but I would still recommend a new gardener stick a few transplants in the ground. There is nothing on earth as tasty as a freshly picked garden tomato. Pepper transplants are pretty easy and fun, too.


Get to a local, independent garden nursery on a week day. Tell them you want to garden, but don't know how to get started. One of the keys to a sucessful garden is full sun, good drainage, and adequate water. Okay, that's three keys....if you get those in place, your plants will thrive.


One thing to consider...I'm an experience gardener with years of experience. From time to time, we have a gardening season that just doesn't work well...wrong weather or a bug invasion or a family distraction of some sort. Don't be discouraged if your first year is not a 'bumper crop' year. Next year may very well be. Long term science experiment, remember.


One more thing....have fun. You are playing in the dirt after all!

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We have found cucumbers easy to grow. We just plant them under our corn stalks. If you have fencing of any kind, you can plant them next to it and run them up the fence. We have tons of them, which is good because my kids will eat them for snacks.

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I would like to recommend a book that my dh and I are really enjoying. It's called The Moosewood Restaurant Kitchen Garden by David Hirsch. It is just a fantastic book with easy-to-understand descriptions of all the 'normal' vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers. There are garden plans, tried and true varieties and planting techniques, precious hand-drawn pictures, and a section of recipies for all the harvest. I look at this book every day and always see something new. Have fun!


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