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How long would you keep a curriculum that you aren't sure you will ever use?


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I am in a bit of a dilema.


I purchased a curriculum (2 years' worth actually) spine that I thought I would love.


My kids didn't love it.


So, we went back to Sonlight. I currently plan to do SL for Cores 3, 4, and probably 5.....so another 2 full years min. (we are half way through 3).


I still have somewhat of an intention to do the other curriculum, but wonder if hanging on to it is silly at this point....I mean, who knows what we will be doing 2-3 years down the line......but I have in the back of my head that we will eventually use it.


What do you do in that situation? Help me figure this out.





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Depends on the curriculum. For instance, something like Calvert would sell great now! In two years, it may be the "older" version and not sell as well. I tend to sell things when I know I am not going to use them. Too many times I have bought something, sold it, re-bought it, and then...resold it! Chances are...if it didn't work the first time, it probably won't the second time either.

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HA! You are not alone.....I can pack rat with curriculum too. That is why this is SO hard!


I keep thinking the kids will mature and THEN I can use it.






I am a pack rat when it comes to curriculum.


I am also a complete idiot. :rolleyes:



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Well, you are probably right....sigh....I keep wanting it to work, kwim?




Depends on the curriculum. For instance, something like Calvert would sell great now! In two years, it may be the "older" version and not sell as well. I tend to sell things when I know I am not going to use them. Too many times I have bought something, sold it, re-bought it, and then...resold it! Chances are...if it didn't work the first time, it probably won't the second time either.
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If it is possible for it to be updated in the next 2-3 years then I would go ahead and sell it. Otherwise you could be looking at something with little to no resale value. Plus, you might have the added frustration of having the old version when you *really* want the new one! :tongue_smilie:

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I usually keep everything until my sons would out grow them. I sold my elementary curriculum once my sons reached middle school. I found that a curriculum that didn't work for me one year sometimes worked for me once my sons mature. For example, my sons hated IEW a few years back, but now they enjoy it.

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Well, there is always that! I DO feel guilty~!


I could get back what I paid for it if I sell it now, but I wouldn't be able to buy it back at the same price.




I'd sell it. Seeing it on the shelf would just make me feel guilty for not using it!
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I will send something back to the company if I can. I have sold things here and there. My kids are still young and I still have one thats NOT schooling yet. So... I am going to hang on to it. Truly it is not expensive stuff...like R&S so.. And if it never gets used well then thats ok too. Never know when more kids may come along in our home...may adopt another lol,....


You know, to me it really depends on the curric. If its something expensive then I would try to get my money back if not and you culd possibly use it later, than hang on to it. Its really your call.

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Well, that is the real dilema.....I like the curriculum and would like to see it work if possible. Right now it is just not fitting my kids so we have stepped back and are doing US History for 2 years in somewhat of a laid back fashion (slower pace stretched out and dropping some things from the curriculum.) I really don't see me ever doing a full curriculum year as written, in full. I have BOYS for one thing! One is on the spectrum so he struggles with reading and writing, but does understand all that I read TO him and reads at about a 3rd grade level (he is 5th grade age wise.)


It is hard. I am a former lit teacher and my boys are bent towards math and sciences. I really wanted a 4 year to 5 year looping History curriculum with a huge amount of reading and in depth History and literature studies.....not happening.


I don't think I can send it back at this point. I bought it over a year ago.




I will send something back to the company if I can. I have sold things here and there. My kids are still young and I still have one thats NOT schooling yet. So... I am going to hang on to it. Truly it is not expensive stuff...like R&S so.. And if it never gets used well then thats ok too. Never know when more kids may come along in our home...may adopt another lol,....


You know, to me it really depends on the curric. If its something expensive then I would try to get my money back if not and you culd possibly use it later, than hang on to it. Its really your call.

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Then just hold on to it. You can maybe use it with your spectrum child later on as he ages and progresses? I have 2 boys as well. It is why this coming year I am not teaching...BJU dvd's are. I need a break. Plus. I dont have to pick and choose lol It all comes together!


I would just hang on to it. It cant hurt. You never know. You may say hmmmm, maybe this will work now (2 yrs from now).

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Did you buy BJU for all of your kids at their own levels? How long does it take you per day?


I don't think I will ever go that route, but I am always curious how it works with multiple kids (are they all at their own TVs?) and time.




Then just hold on to it. You can maybe use it with your spectrum child later on as he ages and progresses? I have 2 boys as well. It is why this coming year I am not teaching...BJU dvd's are. I need a break. Plus. I dont have to pick and choose lol It all comes together!


I would just hang on to it. It cant hurt. You never know. You may say hmmmm, maybe this will work now (2 yrs from now).

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Depends on the curriculum. For instance, something like Calvert would sell great now! In two years, it may be the "older" version and not sell as well. I tend to sell things when I know I am not going to use them. Too many times I have bought something, sold it, re-bought it, and then...resold it! Chances are...if it didn't work the first time, it probably won't the second time either.


:iagree: it really depends on the curriculum. if it is somethign easily replaced then I'd sell it, but if it is something that might be hard to find, or in high demand and thus priced high, I'd hang onto it.

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I will hold onto my curriculum until I am sure my youngest dc won't use it. After my youngest dc is past the age to use it, it is sold. I am holding on to everything because my youngest is only 2yo's.:lol:


Sometimes, I sell teachers manuals to literature based curriculums (SL) and keep all my books. That way I can just buy the updated TM.


My exception was Switched on Schoolhouse Computer courses. I have a big age gap between my 1st and 2nd child (9 years). Computers change formats so often that a 9 year old program would be useless!

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I will hold onto my curriculum until I am sure my youngest dc won't use it. After my youngest dc is past the age to use it, it is sold. I am holding on to everything because my youngest is only 2yo's.:lol:


I made that mistake at first. As soon as I found it didn't work for dd8, it was sold... only to find out that ds6 LOVES IT!! AND I've got a 2yo and one on the way...

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