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looking at Jim Weiss CDs at Greathall productions


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I budgeted to get a couple Jim Weiss CDs this month and now that payday is here I'm looking them over trying to choose - it is SO hard! They all look great. I am torn between the middle ages stuff the american tall tales and the story ones for littles...we have the greek myths one now and love it.

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I think the consensus of most is that they are all good. It IS hard to choose just a few! I bought the middle ages one when we studied that time period, and it was a hit with all of us. I think it was called Renaissance and Reformation. I bought the Thomas Jefferson one for this year, and we didn't like it as well.

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I budgeted to get a couple Jim Weiss CDs this month and now that payday is here I'm looking them over trying to choose - it is SO hard! They all look great. I am torn between the middle ages stuff the american tall tales and the story ones for littles...we have the greek myths one now and love it.


LOVE Jim Weiss...have met him several times and he's such a warm person. Haven't listened to a bad CD by him yet.


Considering that you are doing SOTW2, I'd recommend getting the Middle Ages stuff to fit in with your studies. Then next year you can get the American stuff as you head in SOTW3.


Be sure to check your library before you buy.....it might help stretch the budget a bit and our local libraries have a great number of his CDs. We also own a lot of them....when the kids want to check them out again and again it's time to buy them. We typically wait for him to come to town (check his online schedule he does many HS conferences but he also does teacher conferences and such....when he's going to be in or around your town for a conference, write to him and ask if he's making other appearances. We've seen him at libraries and bookstores doing storytelling and meet/greet. By getting them when we see him we can have him autograph them. He always puts all of the kids' name into the autograph so that's exciting for them! It's worth paying full price even, and I'm typically cheap, lol.

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I think I'm going to get The Three Musketeers / Robin Hood one and the Knights one. I did check my library and they didn't have these but they had several of the younger kid ones - so I can check those out for my littles to listen to during their non-nap time (you know...the time they are in nap when they aren't sleeping? ha!)

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You can order the CD's for $12.99 on www.allegro-music.com.

Shipping is $4.00 and once your order reaches $50.00 the shipping is free.

I have ordered many times from this site and have had good service.


They are all so good. We have a collection of them and my ds' listen to them over and over again at bedtime. We are fortunate to live in the same city as Jim Weiss, and we have seen him perform at our local library and schools. We jump at the opportunity to see him.


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I think I'm going to get The Three Musketeers / Robin Hood one and the Knights one. I did check my library and they didn't have these but they had several of the younger kid ones - so I can check those out for my littles to listen to during their non-nap time (you know...the time they are in nap when they aren't sleeping? ha!)


I am new here, but I had to chime in! I was looking at the catalog today and The Three Musketeers/Robin Hood is one of the ones we chose also. He's going to be at our convention in a few weeks so we're going to buy it then, along with a few others.


I'm excited because I can't wait to listen to them!

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