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Just ordered Living Memory -- I'm excited!


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We use Living Memory in a couple of ways. When I introduce a piece it is done during that particular subject, for instance this year he learned all the countries and capitals in Europe and South America, that was introduced in Geography. (Just to have all the capitals and countries together was a jump for joy moment for me.) Then we would practice and do the already memorized pieces during our composition time, really right before CW. Ds loved it so much he didn't consider it a subject, he thinks it's fun.


We did set up our memory book as Drew suggest in the book, it has worked great for us.


The wealth of information in the book astounded me when I received it. One thing I got used to in LFC A was chapter maxims. Well the Primer B doesn't have them, so I used Living Memory to write in some for next fall.

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  • 9 months later...
Didn't post on this thread but have had the book for about a year and still love it and still use it.


Thanks for responding!


Can you tell me how you use it? Also, do you think that it is something that you could have compiled yourself? And since you love it, I'm assuming that you think it's worth the cost. :)


Thanks again


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This thread is quite old, but to all of you who originally posted to this thread almost a year ago .... How do you like it now? AND Are you still using it? :001_smile:


thanks so much




Angela, I was one who posted originally. I've had LM since shortly after it was released, and I've referred to it frequently. It includes far more than I would *ever* pull together on my own, and having it all in one resource is tremendously helpful. I'd highly recommend it to any home schooling family, regardless of the ages of the children.

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