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Suggestions please for 3rd grade grammar...

SS in MD

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I'm trying to decide on a grammar program for my 8 yo 3rd grader in the fall. She does have some LDs (it just takes her longer to understand concepts... review review review)


My older girls have used R&S English and enjoy it. But, even though I have the 3rd grade English sitting on my shelf, I don't think it will be a good fit for her. I think it's a little too advanced for her and she really needs a workbook style. So, this year for 2nd grade we are using GWG 1/2, while I like the workbook style, she really needs more daily review! LOL!


I have looked at the samples of FLL3, but am a little hesitant because of all oral repetition. I don't think she learns well auditorally. Also, I'm teaching 3 other dc and wonder if FLL3 will be too time intensive on my part. If anyone can tell me their experience w/FLL 3 that would be great!


I looked into CLE LA, but it incorporates handwriting, spelling and writing as well and I was planning to use Zaner-Bloser for hw, spelling - AAS and for writing - WWE. So, I thought since I wouldn't be using so much for CLE no point shelling out the $$.


Any thoughts would be much appreciated!!!


Sangita :001_smile:

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A friend is a long time, 2nd grade teacher and she wishes she had more time for her kids to write. She suggested Evan-Moor Paragraphs. We have really liked using it. The one I have is grade 2-4 . Starts with topic and supporting sentences then covers many types of paragraphs. We're finding it easy yet thorough. We haven't finished yet, so even though I plan to start CW Aesop B with him, I may be using it next year with my then 4th grader.


I always like to look at stuff before I buy it. You should be able to get your hands on one if you are near a traditional teacher supply store.


good luck.

~christine in AL

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This year was our first to homeschool and my plan was to use CLE LA (2nd grade). But I also planned to use HWT for handwriting & SS for spelling. After I purchased CLE I decided to give it a go without the supplements and we've been very happy. CLE's handwriting is very similar to ZB. We also use WWE in addition to CLE.

I love the review & the ease of use for both my daughter and me. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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We've been using FLL 3 - my girls are 7 and finishing up 2nd grade. We LOVE it. My girls beg to do it first thing in the morning.


If you don't like all the oral repition...skip it or lessen it. We did FLL 1 and 2 and this is the first time I've purchased the companion workbooks. My girls really like the workbooks and I like the "self-contained" aspect to it all. A typical lesson takes us 15 minutes - tops.

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What about Easy Grammar & Daily Grams? It is broken into short little chunks of daily practice, with constant review. I do not have any experience with it, but have looked into it countless times...it just sounded like it matched your description:)


We're using BJU English (going to start 3rd gr in a few weeks). The TM comes with a CD with short extra practices on it that you can print out to supplement and help retain the previously learned concepts. It's expensive, but it is a bright & colorful workbook - and it has review, so long as you print off the extra practices from the TM/CD.

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I could have written your post.... I talked with a wise friend, who directed me to this:


Language Lessons Series by Sandi Queen



I haven't ordered it yet, but what I saw looked perfect for us.

Hope that helps! :grouphug:

Edited by TMarie
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Well, I use CLE language arts for my twins. The older ones use it, too, but what I do with my twins applies a little more to you.


I basically use just the grammar portion for the twin girls. It is just what you are asking for. Since it spirals, it helps them repeat the concepts regularly. For me, it is worth the money.


I do something a little unique with the handwriting. I have them use the penmanship exercises in the book, but we apply the Handwriting Without Tears letters that they have learned for the past 4 years. One of my twins uses the 200 level of CLE language arts. When it comes to penmanship, I write out the letters, words, phrases, sentences, etc. on HWT paper, and she does her exercises on that. It only takes me about 5 minutes of my time to write this up for her. My other girl is in the last book of the 300 level, and she just applies the HWT letters to the work in the book. In the upper levels of CLE the penmanship is simply a passage that the need to write in a composition book anyway, so it really doesn't matter what handwriting style they use.


Spelling is a little different. I do not use CLE spelling. I really never have except the few times I decided my oldest daughter needed a little spelling in her life. We use AAS. This is what one of my twins really, really needs and the other is just sort of along for the ride. I don't have any trouble with them putting a big X over the spelling portion of the work.


For writing, we have dabbled with WWE. We also use Writer's Jungle. In addition, I do have the girls do the writing that is included with CLE. My children have done the reports, the research papers, the friendly letters, the business letters, etc. I tend to skip anything that is labeled "creative writing".


So, I just wanted to share how we use CLE and apply it to the needs of our house.



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Thank you all very much for your help!! I'm going to look into Queen homeschool products & I called CLE to get samples. They helped guide me through their new website and I was able to find samples online. Also, they are coming next week to our local homeschool fair, so I can really look at CLE LA!! Thank you all again.

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I used WTM Level 3 with dd this year and it is very thorough. The paper wastage in the workbook is insane (they could have VERY easily condensed it to a book approx. half the size it currently is), and the verbage is a bit heavy in the instructor's manual, but it's thorough and secular so I'll likely go with WTM4 next year.

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I had a chance to listen to David Marks, (author of Writing Strands) speak at a convention several years ago. He spoke of how the young child's brain is not truly ready for "grammar" until junior high school age at least. Textbooks use the spiral approach year after year, and very few children seem to really get it. I took his advice and did not teach my boys anything but very basic things: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Then, depending on the child we covered it in seventh or eighth grade. Of course you can get deeper with it in the upper high school grades, but remember to consider the field of interest you see them leaning towards. I don't think a child who seems to be mechanically inclined and needs to be diagramming sentences. They're all doing perfectly fine!

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Guest aquiverfull

We are using Queen's this year and we will be switching. It is way too light for what I want. It has not helped my dd really learn the parts of speech. We are using the "Language Lessons for the Elementary Child". There is little to no review in my opinion. It will have a short paragraph explaining pronouns for instance, then maybe 4 sentences to pick out the pronouns. That's it. That's the whole lesson. My dd does several lessons in one sitting, but I haven't found this program to have the review of those topics that she needs. Queen's is very much Charlotte Mason, so if that is what you are looking for, it might be perfect for you.


I will say that I don't have a teacher's manual, I'm not sure if they have one or not. So perhaps that is why this isn't working for us. Maybe there's more meat in a teacher's manual?? I still haven't decided what we will be going to next, although I'm leaning towards CLE or R&S.


Hope that helps.

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