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Another English Plan...."if it ain't broke...

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don't fix it!" Right? I have just about lost my mind over English curriculum the last few weeks. I had about 10,000 choice for my younger son and none of them made me all that happy.


Well...I have decided that if it isn't broken, why fix it right now? My younget ds is finishing LLATL Blue up and using ETC for phonics. His reading is wonderful and he is doing great. I think, since LLATL red is really the second portion of phonics from LLATL Blue, that I am just going to continue with LLATL red and ETC and THEN choose something new once he finishes those. I don't want to stick with LLATL for the long haul, but finising red will not hurt us.


So...there it is. I have sold LLATL and now need to re-buy it. LOL I have also bought and sold two other English curriculums. what an expensive "back to where I started" experience. :(

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It is an expensive lesson but just remember the lesson the next time the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. I sold my Rod and Staff English and spelling last year only to buy them again this year. They aren't fancy but they are so easy to teach and so comprehensive for grammar and writing. Now, can I follow my own advice?

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Yep, been there and done that...mine was with MUS.


Why don't you wait and see how your year with LLATL goes before you discontinue it altogether? It works great for some. I really like the program, but it hasn't worked out to well for my son...but I'm keeping my hands on a used 6th grade version, so maybe it will work later down the road.



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LOL - I actually bought CLE Reading the other day too. BUT, I am not selling it this time. We may hate LLATL and, in that case, we will use CLE Reading and CLE LA 100 with ETC if needed. So I have plan A and plan B. The only reason I wanted to switch was because I knew I wouldn't use LLATL into the later grades. I didn't realize, until someone mentioned it on another thread, that LLATL Blue was the beginning of phonics and LLATL red was the last half. I would like to be consistent if I can be since my son is thriving with what we are using.


Starting in 2nd grade, we will likely switch to CLE LA for the rest of the grades. :)

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BTDT, but my subject merry go round is math! We've enjoyed using LLATL Red this year. My ds really likes the animal stories a lot and will still talk about them months after reading them. There is a big jump in reading from the end of Blue to the beginning of Red. To get ready for Red, I'd use CLE Reading 1 if you have it on hand. We used Pathway readers, but CLE is probably similar. We also read through all the Sonlight LA 1 readers that are real books (Dr. Seuss, Little Bear and Put Me in the Zoo). They were great preparation for the Red readers. We've enjoyed Red more than Blue actually.

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We started on the roller coaster with math, but found Singapore and it works for both my kids. I calculated it...I only lost about $75 in my trial and error phase. :(



At least you only lost $75! I still have about $100 of math curricula plus another $100 or so in other subjects that I lost this year trying to find our best fit. :ohmy: At least I know what I want to do for math now! :glare:

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Well...I have decided that if it isn't broken, why fix it right now? My younget ds is finishing LLATL Blue up and using ETC for phonics. His reading is wonderful and he is doing great. I think, since LLATL red is really the second portion of phonics from LLATL Blue, that I am just going to continue with LLATL red and ETC



So...there it is. I have sold LLATL and now need to re-buy it. LOL I have also bought and sold two other English curriculums. what an expensive "back to where I started" experience. :(

:blink: Ahhhhh BTDT!


Now step away from the checkbook. No more curriculum shopping for you!!:tongue_smilie:


I was re-arranging our book closet last night and found LLATL red that I used with my now 17dd .....Oh MY that was 10 years ago....Yikes! I'm now thinking about using it next year with my 6yo. I like LLATL so would eventually switch over to it.....I just might do it earlier than I thought.

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I was re-arranging our book closet last night and found LLATL red that I used with my now 17dd .....Oh MY that was 10 years ago....Yikes! I'm now thinking about using it next year with my 6yo. I like LLATL so would eventually switch over to it.....I just might do it earlier than I thought.


Oh wow! Talk about re-using curriculum! LOL

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