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Opinions: Johnathan Park, Reading Detective, Mind Benders?

Alison in KY

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My son LOVES the Jonathan Park series. I highly recommend it. He would come up to me and say something like "well you know that's just a theory not a fact mom..." He's learned a lot of creation science from those cd's. I don't think the quality is as good as an adventure in odyssey, but he still likes them.


I have a mindbenders cd also. The graphics aren't that "fun", but it really does get the concepts across well in a self testing, teacher hands off kind of way. The only problem I see with them is that they con't explain why the answer is correct, but I guess they don't do those in the books either. I had ds do that over the summer.



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I don't like the attitude of the Jonathan Park CDs. I don't like the implication that anyone who does not believe in Young Earth Creationism is both a heathen and a moron. I really want my children to understand that there are intelligent people of true faith who have different understandings of the origins of the earth. So while I'm happy to include creationist materials in our home school, I avoid materials (on both sides) that are mocking in tone or imply that certain beliefs about origins are necessary for salvation.


I've only used the book forms of Mind Benders and Reading Detective, so I can't comment on the CDs.

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I don't like the attitude of the Jonathan Park CDs. I don't like the implication that anyone who does not believe in Young Earth Creationism is both a heathen and a moron. I really want my children to understand that there are intelligent people of true faith who have different understandings of the origins of the earth. So while I'm happy to include creationist materials in our home school, I avoid materials (on both sides) that are mocking in tone or imply that certain beliefs about origins are necessary for salvation.


Thank you so much for sharing this point of view. My husband and I feel the same way. I have considered purchasing the Jonathon Park cds in the past, but was concerned about this very issue. Thank you, again!



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So for the Jonathan Park series, your saying it discusses time frames and when things happened...so it disputes old earth creationism?


I really don't know anything (and I mean anything) about the series, other than it's Christian and it was suggested to me.



Alison in KY

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I don't like the attitude of the Jonathan Park CDs.


Hmmm...well, they are definitely young earth. I went into them with a "could be old earth/could be young earth" belief....it was more important to me that God was known to be the creator rather than when the timing of it occurred. Maybe because I wasn't sure where I came out on the continuum, they never felt condescending.


I could see if you had a strong belief that was not young earth that it would be hard to get through these. Definitely something to consider before purchasing.

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I could see if you had a strong belief that was not young earth that it would be hard to get through these. Definitely something to consider before purchasing.


Really, it's not the *belief* I had issues with -- it's the way it presents anyone who does not share this belief (a particular timeline -- not just that God was always there and in control) as both stupid and godless (at the very best unenlightened).

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