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Needs ideas for gifted teen sons, who are wearing out on church


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They say each week, a new topic is introduced, but during the 45-minute class, that concept is repeated in various ways - over and over and over. They say it's simplistic and boring (and btw, I believe them). They want something more, something to sink their teeth into, someway to go deeper or more scholarly. They don't mind going to church, but say if they are subjected to this much longer it will do more harm than good.


I can see two options: find video/print materials to use at home in place of church, or find a different type of church that tends to offer this type of study (we currently attend a Protestant church).


I'd greatly appreciate any ideas/recommendations anyone might have for either of these, or any other suggestions I may not have thought of.




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If I were in your shoes, I'd pull ds out of the class he's in. It sounds as if your ds is in an age-group class? high-school youth group? Why not pull him out and have him attend a men's class with your dh or an adult class with both of you?


Our previous church had a men's Bible Study, and several high school/college age boys sat in that class. It was a great opportunity for them to learn from other godly men.


In our current church (we moved to a new state in the fall), our teen attended the adult class (mixed gender) with us for a while. He switched to his age-group class when they began working through the shorter catechism.


He would most likely learn more from one of the adult classes. Think of the discussions you could have if you or dh are in there with him! :)

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If I were in your shoes, I'd pull ds out of the class he's in. It sounds as if your ds is in an age-group class? high-school youth group? Why not pull him out and have him attend a men's class with your dh or an adult class with both of you?


Our previous church had a men's Bible Study, and several high school/college age boys sat in that class. It was a great opportunity for them to learn from other godly men.


In our current church (we moved to a new state in the fall), our teen attended the adult class (mixed gender) with us for a while. He switched to his age-group class when they began working through the shorter catechism.


He would most likely learn more from one of the adult classes. Think of the discussions you could have if you or dh are in there with him! :)



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It might be interesting to them that at 46 I have exactly the same problem. I'm completely not being fed intellectually in my Sunday School class and I'm struggling with balancing my need to grow in my personal knowlege with the need to be part of a caring community created by attending my class every week and hearing what is happening in people's lives.

A faith community is more than personal , intellectual growth. but It's boring and I wouldn't be going to my Sunday School class if I had an alternative.


I don't know your kids obviously, but as a homeschooler, I'm not sure I would pull mine from a group learning setting with age peers. It seems like a good place to make lasting healthy friendships.


At least they can know , it's not just they're they're teenagers. That some grownups struggle with bland Sunday School lessons too.

good luck.

Christine in AL

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Having been a Sunday school teacher for middles school and high school students in the past, I have encountered a broad range of materials.


Perhaps the curriculum is the problem?

Maybe you could consider having a chat with the director of Christian Ed (or whoever has an equivalent role at your church) and discuss the situation with him/her? Maybe they could offer options/insights? Maybe other kids are having the same problem, and a different set of materials might help?


Just wanted to offer something along a different line... ;)

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I don't know of any churches with youth groups that really get into the deep stuff like the academic side of theology, diving deeper into history and/or a single book of the Bible - things like that. I had the same problem as a teen and still can't stand going to classes at church. I had more issues than just the curriculum as a youth, but it still an issue. We have a very intelligent lady at our current church who used to teach a class I would have loved to attend, but there were a lot more people who couldn't keep up with her, so she had to change her material to fit the masses. So frustrating.


I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way. I enjoy going to church but just get irritated with details like that which seem to be universal. I hope your sons are able to find a class that they really enjoy and find fulfilling but at the same time getting to spend time with their peers. Good luck. :)

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