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Well, here's an odd spelling problem.

Nicole M

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Today we were getting ready for a spelling test, and were having the usual disgruntled protests, so I said, "Oh, come now, you know how to spell 'hospital' don't you?" And my son whipped out the spelling, orally. We went through the whole list this way and he spelled every word correctly. I decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him write out the words, even though he'd just nailed every one, just for practice in being a good sport about it and because his handwriting is atrocious, and any and all practice being careful seems like a good thing.


So when we did the test again, on paper, he missed many words, including hospital ("hospitle"). What is up with that? Has anyone dealt with this before?


Should I ask him, when he's writing out words, to spell them in his head first? What would you do?

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It helps my son to spell them aloud while he is writing them (or right before he writes them). I learned this trick from an occupational therapist and it had a profound effect on my son's spelling ability.

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It helps my son to spell them aloud while he is writing them (or right before he writes them). I learned this trick from an occupational therapist and it had a profound effect on my son's spelling ability.


Wow! Crazy. I'm glad this happened totally by accident.


Is this because our boys are auditory learners? What is the deal here?

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My ds over thinks it when he's writing. He does the same thing, he spells correctly orally, but when if he has too much time to write it down, his spelling goes nuts. I figured out that if I time his spelling tests, he does better, because he doesn't have time to really mull the word over. Otherwise, he thinks about it so much that it all becomes gobbledygook.


Say 'water' long enough and you'll hear an 'h,' a 'd,' and a 'u.'


We're working on this, but the only way I know how to counter act it is by distracting him with music. This is how I used to do all of my writing for class, and even now, I spell much better if I can distract myself, subtly, with loud music. The quality of my work, overrall, is much better if there's noise.


Go figure :confused:

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I can't spell things out loud very well, but I can spell if I write them down on paper. I've never been one of those mom's that spells things so that the kids won't understand. it is too hard for me to do and I hate it when mom's spell things to me because I can't follow it very well. They are off talking about something else and I'm still trying to figure out the first word that they spelled LOL

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THAT IS WIERD! I can't spell worth beans. But I sure as heck can't spell out loud. If I have half a chance to get it right, it is by looking at it. If you start spelling things out loud to me or trying to run through a list of something orally, I will get totally lost. I HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN to understand it. If you play music or talk while I am thinking - I'm done for. I have to have complete silence to comprehend what I'm reading. If you talk, I have to start over! My kids think I'm nuts but that is just the goofy way my brain works! People are so different..it's really wierd huh?

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BJUP insists that spelling is a writing skill.


And a technique I learned in Sequential Spelling that might help your child -- grade each spelling word as soon as he writes it down (instead of waiting till the end of the test). If he misspells a word, have him write it correctly right then. That way, the correct version is in his fingers, his eyes, and his mind before he moves away from that word.


If I were you, I might count the word correct if he could spell it right orally. But I'd still have him try to write it down, and I'd still have him re-write it correctly if he misspelled it in writing it down.


I find that my fingers know how to correctly type words that I otherwise can't remember how to spell!

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BJUP insists that spelling is a writing skill.


And a technique I learned in Sequential Spelling that might help your child -- grade each spelling word as soon as he writes it down (instead of waiting till the end of the test). If he misspells a word, have him write it correctly right then. That way, the correct version is in his fingers, his eyes, and his mind before he moves away from that word.


If I were you, I might count the word correct if he could spell it right orally. But I'd still have him try to write it down, and I'd still have him re-write it correctly if he misspelled it in writing it down.


I find that my fingers know how to correctly type words that I otherwise can't remember how to spell!


Interesting. I do have him write the words correctly several time right after the test, but I'll try this, writing out the word before moving on.

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I can't spell things out loud very well, but I can spell if I write them down on paper. I've never been one of those mom's that spells things so that the kids won't understand. it is too hard for me to do and I hate it when mom's spell things to me because I can't follow it very well. They are off talking about something else and I'm still trying to figure out the first word that they spelled LOL


Oh, this is so funny! My husband cannot spell his way out of a box, not orally, not on paper, no way, no how. The few times he tried doing it, when the boys were little, all the adults in the room went, "What?!" One time, my youngest, the Mr. Oral Speller, corrected him. This child didn't even know how to read yet, so how he got the word right is beyond me. I think it was ice cream, and I suppose he did know how to read that one, from the carton.

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