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When do I need to worry about transcripts?

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Our oldest is 10 but I'm starting to think about what I need to do for him to get to college. Do colleges only look at 9th to 12th grade? Should I start keeping records in 7th grade?


There are several discussions about this on the highschool board. I plan on keeping track of courses starting in 7th grade, and I'll figure out whether I will put them on an official transcript later. Apparently there are advantages and disadvantages to doing it both ways. The threads over there are interesting.

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Our oldest is 10 but I'm starting to think about what I need to do for him to get to college. Do colleges only look at 9th to 12th grade? Should I start keeping records in 7th grade?



Whenever you start to collect college credit!

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I think most schools are only interested in the high school years. (JMHO!) I think if you put Alg.2 for math in 9th grade, they figure out that your child has already completed Alg.1 previously.


What's more important, I think, is to keep track along the way. Don't wait til your child is a senior to build a transcript. I had my son's sketched out for the 4 years of high school BEFORE he even started high school. Some of it was common sense: English 1, English 2, English 3, English 4, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, World History, Geography, American History, etc. .... Then each year, I tweaked, adding electives or moving things as I needed to. When it came time to apply for colleges, the transcript was ready.


I also kept a brief course description all along as well. One school wasn't interested in that; other schools insisted on it because we homeschooled. It's better to be prepared!

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From ninth grade on just keep very, very good records. You don't have to worry about actually putting them on a transcript, unless you belong to an umbrella school that will be assembling your transcript for you. When it is time to start submitting transcripts, that's when you actually construct the thing.


Just make sure your records are good so you are not later on having family meetings to discuss whether or not anyone can remember when so-and-so took that health course!!!! (Do you even have to ask how I would know that this can happen?)

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Also start to keep a reading list at the beginning of 9th grade. My daughter was asked to submit one with several of her college applications this year.





Oh, I don't know. It's awfully fun to try to reconstruct 4 years of reading at about 10:30 at night with a stressed out teenager who is trying to write the perfect essay. You know, if you just need a little challenge in your life.:001_smile:


I'm thinking I might try the keeping up with a list as we go along with my next one, you know, just to compare the two methods.

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Also start to keep a reading list at the beginning of 9th grade. My daughter was asked to submit one with several of her college applications this year.



Oh, I don't know. It's awfully fun to try to reconstruct 4 years of reading at about 10:30 at night with a stressed out teenager who is trying to write the perfect essay. You know, if you just need a little challenge in your life.:001_smile:


I'm thinking I might try the keeping up with a list as we go along with my next one, you know, just to compare the two methods.


I hear you.... How do you think I came to have the wisdom to offer the above advice?! Hindsight is 20/20 here.




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