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hsing in alabama?

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My friend just got orders for Alabama. We looked up the state regs, and basically it seems you have to be part of a church school? What if you don't go to church? Does that mean you have to join a church to homeschool? Reading it, it's confusing.


Can someone explain it to me?


She does not have a teacher's certification, so that option can't be used.



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You don't have to be a member of a particular church to homeschool. You have to homeschool under the umbrella of a church-affiliated cover school ... many churches run these as ministries, and the rules vary. It took us time to find one in our area that didn't require two parents to sign a statement of faith. Some require two parents to sign, some require one, and a few require none (but I don't know of any of those personally). I suppose there are a few out there that would require church membership too, but I am not familiar with any.


The one we're in covers many counties and is very active. There are several like that.


After you do find a school, the rules vary depending on what the school itself requires of you. Mine, we have to submit progress reports and keep attendance, but they don't inspect our lessons or anything like that. Some have requirements about attendance at meetings or co-op involvement, some don't.


Our church school submits our paperwork to the school districts yearly. I'm not sure that all do; it depends on how much work the school wants to take on. Some may have you do your papers yourself.


Hope this helps some. I don't mean to be vague but don't want to post my location either. :)

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You don't have to be a member of a particular church to homeschool. You have to homeschool under the umbrella of a church-affiliated cover school ... many churches run these as ministries, and the rules vary. It took us time to find one in our area that didn't require two parents to sign a statement of faith. Some require two parents to sign, some require one, and a few require none (but I don't know of any of those personally). I suppose there are a few out there that would require church membership too, but I am not familiar with any.


The one we're in covers many counties and is very active. There are several like that.


After you do find a school, the rules vary depending on what the school itself requires of you. Mine, we have to submit progress reports and keep attendance, but they don't inspect our lessons or anything like that. Some have requirements about attendance at meetings or co-op involvement, some don't.


Our church school submits our paperwork to the school districts yearly. I'm not sure that all do; it depends on how much work the school wants to take on. Some may have you do your papers yourself.


Hope this helps some. I don't mean to be vague but don't want to post my location either. :)


Yep that sounds about right. They only require that you have a cover/church school and you report attendance at least once a year here. Depending on the you won't find a lot of information on the church schools that require you be a member of their church. Those are typically word of mouth within the church. There are many out there that require a statement of faith, but just as many that don't. Some schools have stricter guidelines for curriculum and some require testing. If your friend is moving soon, she will also face the issue that some will not take mid year students.


I'm not from Alabama, but I was curious....I found this link with a list of cover schools, and it looks like the majority of them don't require a statement of faith:




I loved using this site when I was researching the local church schools and support groups. Definitely pass it on to your friend.

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Knowing the city, or approximate area might help with getting suggestions for covers. The Leaping From the Box site is a good place to start, but isn't necessarily up to date (it didn't used to be).


Yahoo has some great groups....do a search for secular homeschooling Alabama (or something similar), and you'll get hits.



(the other) Heather in Al

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