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Finding a new church in a new city.

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We moved from NC to San Antonio TX last month. Finding a church is my #1 priority. I made a list of potentials from websites. The first one we went to, we all liked and it was very similar to our church in NC. I was thinking, we need to visit more to make sure. We went to another and it was ok, but didn't like it as well. Then as I've been here feeling more and more lonely, I think about how much I prayed to find a new church quickly and that maybe going to one we really liked first was a God thing. So maybe we don't really need to look more - He took us right where we are supposed to be.


So would you stick with the first church without visiting more if it seemed right? Or would you want to keep visiting? I'm itching to get back into fellowship as well as serving. It is VBS planning time after all!! (I was preschool VBS director for 4 years in NC so not doing anything for VBS yet is driving me crazy!)

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What we have done in the past is to make a list of the things that are the most important, from greatest to least. Maybe even some that are non negotionable. Then evaluate it to see if they meet your needs. No church is perfect, but for us there are certain requirements. Our main needs are a great childrens program, our style or a mixture of our type of worship. A pastor who really teaches and not just preaches. Do you really feel welcomed and are the people there serving out of their heart or just because it's what is expected of them. It is really hard to find the right one, however if you have prayed about it, it is absolutely possible He answered your prayer. He does want us where we can be closer to Him. Good luck.

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Then as I've been here feeling more and more lonely,


It is normal to feel that way. I am a real go-getter, people person who likes to be involved. That said, when we moved across country I knew we would have a lonely time before we were established. I think acknowledging that is important. Shoot, I lived here this whole past summer. :D



So would you stick with the first church without visiting more if it seemed right? Or would you want to keep visiting?


My personal opinion (just mine) spend more time visiting this church and others. Maybe it is time for something different? Take time to really see each church for what it is. You cannot do that the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd visit. We visisted at least 6 different churches. Part way through we really liked one, but did not immediately join it. Eventually we did.



I'm itching to get back into fellowship as well as serving. It is VBS planning time after all!! (I was preschool VBS director for 4 years in NC so not doing anything for VBS yet is driving me crazy!)


Plus, my dh who is not much of a "wife submit" man very firmly stated we as a family were not joining any church ministries until we had been attending as members for 6 months. He really felt that it was important for us to settle into the church first. I didn't really like it at first, but now I am really glad we did this. We are just now getting involved. 6 months laters. As hard as it has been for me and will be for you, please consider not joining anything for a while yet.

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We moved from OH to TN about 2 years ago, so I know what you're going through. We asked at the local Christian Bookstore. We told them what we were looking for and they gave us a few suggestions.


I have to recommend committing to one church for 3-4 weeks and then trying another. It's really hard to get a good feel for a church in one visit.


The first one we went to for about 4 weeks. The second one was more like 4 months. The one we're at now, we knew on the first visit. But we didn't become members until we were there a few months. We've been there almost a year now.

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Yup, I'd say don't make a decision until you've gone at least 4-6 weeks. I went through this 5 years ago when we moved across the coutry to a place where we knew no one of our same "style". There are relatives here, but they go to a denomination that is NOT our "style". So, I was sent out as a scout since the entire rest of my family is social phobic! :D If I liked one, we all went the next week. If we all liked it enough, we would go back for several weeks. It took us 2 years to settle on a church, but we have been there 3 years now and love it. I know it is terribly hard to be disconnected from the "family" like that. I hated it. Once we settled in, I felt like we were finally "home". Blessings to you in finding yours.

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So would you stick with the first church without visiting more if it seemed right? Or would you want to keep visiting? I'm itching to get back into fellowship as well as serving. It is VBS planning time after all!! (I was preschool VBS director for 4 years in NC so not doing anything for VBS yet is driving me crazy!)


YES! I think that it is entirely possible to know the first Sunday if it might be the right church for you. I'd stay and learn all you can about it just to verify that it is the place for you. Count yourself blessed!


We recently moved and, in spite of my prayers to find a church quickly, it took us a over a year to find the right place. I tried churches that seemed like they would be okay, but I never had the feeling that any of them were right.


On the other hand, several years ago when we were looking for a church, we visited once and KNEW that it was the right place. Three months later, we were members and actively involved. We had no regrets; in fact, I still miss that church terribly.

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We moved last year, and it took me a while to find a new church. DH encouraged me to find a place that 'felt comfortable'. And encouraged me to just enjoy the church - get involved, but not feel that I needed to join anything.

So glad I respected his advise, as we have now moved AGAIN. I prayed to find a church more quickly, to not have to struggle as hard in this move to connect with a church.

I have only been to once church here so far (5 or 6 weeks). Now, I don't feel 100% comfortable with everything (yet), but I do think I was led to it. Again, it is a new denomination, but I am limited to three options here. So I will continue to come until I am given a reason not to be comfortable. And my comfort level continues to improve.


I try not to make things even more complicated than they already are.

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