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How did you add more Bible history to SOTW? sm

Allison TX

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I am considering using SOTW Ancients next year with a 5th, 4th, and 1st grader. Looking through the SOTW, there is very little Bible history. I've thought about reading through the Vos Story Bible, or Victor Journey through the Bible, or trying to do Memoria Press Christian Studies. I'm not too concerned if everything does not line up perfectly, but I do want my dc to get some Bible history with the Ancients. Any suggestions?



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We are doing WP's Hideaways in History next year. It is meant for K-1st graders but it goes through all volumes of SOTW. (:001_huh:) To make a long tweaking story short, ds will not be reading SOTW, but we are going to touch on the various points in history by doing the crafts, supplemental books, etc. What I am also incorporating (and this is the answer to your question) is Veritas Press' History Cards. I believe that they will serve as a timeline that includes Biblical History. By combining the two resources (VP & SOTW), I feel confident that we will be able to pick and choose events that are appropriate for us. I know there are schedules on Paula's Archives that line up SOTW 1 w/ the VP Cards and also with Egermeier's (sp?) Bible. Also,the VP cards have resources listed on them, such as Victor's Journey Through the Bible. I also plan on using this combo when we go through Ancient's again in 1st grade. Just more stuff to look at. ;)


ETA: I don't have a child near 5th grade so I don't know how this would work out for that age....

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If I knew about Biblioplan before we started Ancients, I would have used it together. I added Biblioplan this year (SOTW2) but it hasn't tied together Bible/Christian history as well as I had anticipated. Someone here said Ancients is where it's most useful, so you may want to look into it for that if you're interested.

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I am using Greenleaf Guide to the OT, and All Through the Ages by Christine Miller. GL guide to OT is my main spine, and I use ATTA to request books from the library.


Granted, this is my first year doing this. We are spending 10 weeks on Egypt (I have the GL guide to AE too), then I *plan* on reading through FMOG and FMOR - adding in chapters of SOTW as we have extra time (to hit on other cultures besides Egypt, Greece and Rome). It's not "matchy-patchy" and I've not actually *done* this yet - and I'm not sure exactly how much time we will spend on the FMOG/FMOR stories - some weeks we'll do 3 stories and some we'll spend on just one (it's just 1st grade for us - no biggie if we don't cover it ALL)...so BIG grain of salt.;)


Also - this will take much longer than 36 weeks - it's more like 18 months, but it's important to me to really dig into the Bible this year.

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Christine Miller's The Story of the Ancient World - it provides a lot of Bible history in story form and in the back of the book she has a book list for additional reading if you want to park it on a particular person or event. You can see samples at Nothingnewpress.com



We are using this together with SOTW 1. I didn't try to line up time periods or topics; I just read one chapter each day.

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I think Christine Miller's The Story of the Ancient World and Diana Waring's Ancient History Audio CDs will make a great combo. I'm looking at doing this for the upcoming year also while using KF History Enyclopedia. I'm on a strict budget and I wanted a history program which integrated Bible history so I am combining resources from a few programs that I like such as Biblioplan, My Father's World, Heart of Dakota, and Tapestry of Grace. I guess you could call it Biblioworld of the Heart of Grace! :lol:

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I just got done looking at TOG's site for the 1st time and if I could go back and switch, I would, but we're already partway through SOTW 1. I really, really like TOG's Biblical perspective on accurate history. It's at the top of my list for logic stage history, or if we ever switch. We're finishing SOTW 1 this year, but I'm going to implement a few of the supplemental suggestions here.


So far, we've just been reading The Children's Illustrated Bible (rec'd by VP, it's the one by Selina Hastings) alongside SOTW 1. It's OK, but I'm left wondering about SOTW 1 Chap. 6 - the one on the Jewish people and Abraham. I was unable to discern what in SOTW doesn't line up w/ the Bible in that chapter, as I'd read here, although I haven't read Genesis or Exodus in full ever, and neither recently (except the children's Bible). Maybe someone else here knows what the exact discrepancies are. I have a feeling it may have something to do w/ Israel and the Promised Land (just guessing though).

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MFW Creation to Greeks is full of Biblical History. You could look at their sample table of contents to see how the topics are laid out. http://www.mfwbooks.com/ctg.htm


Each week they line up the Biblical history with the other civilizations. Some weeks you do one or the other and some weeks both. I love how they incorporate the Biblical feasts too. We had a lot of fun doing those.

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We have Christine Miller's books too (the Guerber ones) and I tried to start with combining hers with SOTW. It didn't work - Miller's book is quite long, and though it says it's for grammar ages, I thought it was too heavy for my then 4th grader (and she is a strong reader). They are not easy as read alouds (they just don't have a read aloud quality but that doesn't mean they aren't well written!) and didn't keep either my kiddos or my attention. Much better for independent reading at upper elementary or middler/high school ages.



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