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CILLIKAT and others-VITAMIN D supplementation again (??? inside)

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You won't believe it-had mine tested and it was extremely LOW-only 21!!!!!!!!! So they're putting me on the 50,000 IU/once a week for 12 weeks, then off for a month, then retest, then probably on 1,000 IU/day or so. I KNEW it was low, just by the symptoms-I'm so glad I had it tested! I'm in the Northeast, and have been dealing with depression this winter.


So is the prescription 50,000 IU one that they give okay-we try to just deal with natural supplements as much as possible-I'm assuming it's just a megadose of the vitamin?


Then I guess after that I'll take the Carlson's drops in whatever amount they suggest, but I'm guessing 2,000 IU per day probably would be good?


Doesn't a month without supplementation before retesting seem like a long time? (I'm pretty positive they said a month-it was over the phone-they're mailing a letter out about it too.)


What have other people's results gone up to after supplementing with the 50,000 dose?


Anything else I should know?


ETA: I also want to supplement the kids-age 9 and 6-they already get 400 IU in their multi. 1000 IU per 25 lb seems high to me for kids. How about one drop per day of the Carlson's 1000 IU? Too much? I could do the Carlson's baby drops, 400 IU per drop, and give them one drop per day, which that plus their multi would give them 800 IU per day. Not sure for kids!

Edited by HappyGrace
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dh went to pick up the prescription and they gave me D2! Apparently the D only comes in D2 for that high a dose. D2 is NOT as good as D3, from what I've read. EVERYTHING I have read says to use D3 only.

Here is a good study I just found about it:



So at this point, especially with what Jean just wrote, I think I'll try to supplement myself with the 50,000 IU a week----with the D3. I'll get the Carlson D drops in 2,000 IU, and take 3 drops a day-that would give me 6,000 IU a day, 42,000 IU per week.


Where are you, Cillikat, our D guru? LOL!

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I have a prescription for 50,000 IU/once a week for 12 weeks. I asked if it was D3 or D2 and they said D3. I think they said something further like only D3 came in that dosage. One of us must have been given incorrect info. Hmmm...


BTW, my doctor told me to get a recheck in six months when he wanted me to have another check-up anyway. That would be three months break. I plan to take Vitamin D3 on my own. I need all the help I can get with energy, etc.

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mom2-if you check that link in my previous post, the study itself mentions that D2 is the only one that comes in the higher dosage.


I emailed a df who does studies and research in the nutritional supplement industry to see what he says.


This will bump this thread so hopefully more people will chime in!

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mom2-if you check that link in my previous post, the study itself mentions that D2 is the only one that comes in the higher dosage.




Well I know this isn't true. I have D3 sitting on my shelf in 50,000IU that I have been taking for several years. Mine is a dry formulation so I don't know if that makes a difference. Around here the only versions that the pharmacies carry is oil based in a green gel. It has been a very long time since I took that and I don't remember if it was D2 or D3. If the gel is D2 than it would make sense that they said this since the dry version is only made by one manufacturer so probably not widely known that there is a D3 at that dosage.

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cjzimmer-thanks-yes, the one I have (D2) is the green one with the stuff inside. I have read that generally, a dry formulation of D is not as effective (even Cillikat mentions that in a previous thread, and I've read it elsewhere). I am glad to know there is D3 in that formulation though-interesting! Thanks!

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cjzimmer-thanks-yes, the one I have (D2) is the green one with the stuff inside. I have read that generally, a dry formulation of D is not as effective (even Cillikat mentions that in a previous thread, and I've read it elsewhere). I am glad to know there is D3 in that formulation though-interesting! Thanks!


I have never heard that the dry was less absorbed before but then I have a medical condition that prevents me from absorbing fats well so for me personally I get almost nothing from the oil version which is why I switched. Most people would do fine with the oil based (but if it's D2 than I'm not sure just how useful that would be). I just wanted you to be aware that there IS a D3 version available in the high doses. So I wonder which is more useful, an oil based D2 or a dry D3? Could make some interesting research if anyone bothered to do it.

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dh went to pick up the prescription and they gave me D2! Apparently the D only comes in D2 for that high a dose. D2 is NOT as good as D3, from what I've read. EVERYTHING I have read says to use D3 only.

Here is a good study I just found about it:



So at this point, especially with what Jean just wrote, I think I'll try to supplement myself with the 50,000 IU a week----with the D3. I'll get the Carlson D drops in 2,000 IU, and take 3 drops a day-that would give me 6,000 IU a day, 42,000 IU per week.


Where are you, Cillikat, our D guru? LOL!


I am on 50,000iu Vitamin D3 and it was quite inexpensive. Brand name BioTech which I got through my doctor's office. I was started on 50,000/day for a month then 50,000 2 times/wk. I started in December and will test in March with no break.


I found this just doing a quick search. It is the one I take.



Edited by HiddenJewel
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I was tested low in August or September (I lived in Florida then and definitely had enough sun) and was put on mega dose of Vit d for about six weeks and off three weeks and then test. It came back ok. SO then my rheumatologist (I have a type of arthritis) out me on 400 IU once a day to maintain. Move here in late Dec, test in late January and I am low again plus I have a DEXA scan and I have osteoporosis in my upper back, osteopenia in my lower, and am fine in my legs. Now my 12 yo has osteoporosis and isn't on anything yet since she is going to see a pediatric endicrinologist in a few weeks and hopefully she will have some clue as to why a 12yo active, milk drinking, sunshine getting (until we moved up here) child has this. So anyway, I am back on mega dose of Vit d once a week for longer this time and then the new rheumy will retest again.

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