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Those who use LLATL


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I used LLATL Red at the beginning of this school year and put it on hold for the last section, "Getting Ready for 3rd Grade". We'll pick it up again after we go through the Pathway readers 2nd grade. When we use LLATL, I don't add anything else except a spelling program ds does with his ABA therapist. I'm also using WWE 1 and R&S English 2 along with Pathway and it's given me a better appreciation of LLATL. It actually covers a lot of territory in a gentle way. It may or may not be a good fit for your student or for you as a teacher, but if it is, it gets the job done.


There is a lot of reading and phonics instruction in Red. Depending on your time constraints and how much "fun" reading you do, you might need to put the I See Sam readers on hold until you finish Red. Or you might be able to do them at another time during the day. I wouldn't do an I See Sam book and then pick up the Red readers as the next thing.

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I will be using LLATL red as soon as we finish LLATL blue. My son is 5.5 and will probably be 6 before we start it. I also use ETC (he is starting book 3 now) and spelling workout for him.


My older son does LLATL as a supplement. I do not think it is enough in the upper elementary grades. He does it along with Writing Tales II and Growing with Grammar (plus Spelling Power/Calvert CD combo for spelling).


However, I have a degree in English and this is kind of my "thing." I like to hit it from all angles, so this may just be too much for some...

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Yes, three of my dc are using LLATL. I really like the program and love how everything revolves around literature passages.


I do add other things to it because there are so many other things I want to do with my kids as well. The way I work it is to use LLATL three days a week, and another program on the other two days (it may be grammar or word study etc). We also do extra spelling, and writing in other areas. This works really well for us. I don't think that you would necessarily have to add anything, but that's just the way *I* do it. You could use it as is, then just supplement if there is any area that you feel needs extra work later on - but that's the same for any program really. LLATL has great activities and I'm liking it even more as we get to the higher levels.


All the best.

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do you use anything else with it? Sorta... It's my only English program, but we also study Latin and Greek. Both languages add quite a bit of grammar and vocabulary to our studies. I also use TWTM as my basis for history, science, and literature, which means the children do quite a bit of extra reading and writing each week.


We are currently beginning the red book (at lesson 5). Do I need to add anything else? I don't add anything until 4th/5th grade. My 4th graders start Latin, my 5th graders begin TWTM logic requirements, and my 6th graders begin Greek. My preference is to leave little ones plenty of time for fun reading, exploration, and crafts.


We also have a reading programme (I See Sam books) and I am finishing off ETC 3 1/2. I have AAS which I must start!

Is there enough in LLATL? It's a gentle, but subtle program. Personally, I think you'll be just fine with what you have planned.





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I am using the current edition Yellow book with my dd8 this year.


Next year I will start using the Older Editions (save money on workbooks!) My dd hasn't needed anything added yet, but when she starts the Orange book I'm going to have her do Writing Strands 3 with it.


My ds7 will start Yellow (Older Edition) in the next few months and he will have a spelling program also.

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We have been using LLATL for 3 years now. Currently, we are using the yellow Level. In addition, we are using Growing with Grammer 3 and Natural Speller - just because ds NEEDS more Grammar and Spelling instructions. All programs blend nicely. Next year, I am thinking of adding a writing program (such as Writing Tales). It's not the program - it's ds. He just needs a little bit more instructions in these areas and a little bit more repetition than offered with LLATL. In addition, ds reads lots of books outside his assigned school work. All in all, I am very happy with LLATL and I will continue using it. As a matter of fact, I already own the next Level of LLATL (Orange):D. We will continue with LLATL as long as it works for us. I have seen the progression over the years and I believe it's a great program. Just my 2 cents!




Homeschooling JUST ONE - ds 9

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We are currently beginning the red book (at lesson 5). Do I need to add anything else?I would say no with the Red Book through the Yellow book, but, when we get to the Orange book, I add Ridgewood Grammar for a little more grammar practice. When we got to the Tan book, I added Writing Strands 3 for a more structured writing program, but, that's all!


Is there enough in LLATL?We have used LLATL from the Blue book to the Grey book and I have found it to be complete and thorough. I'm glad I didn't succumb to the temptation to over supplement LLATL.


Forgot to add that for my ds, who is spelling-challenged!, I added Spelling Power because the spelling in LLATL wasn't working for him, but, when I combined the two, it's been great!

Edited by Dayle in Guatemala
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