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Earth and Space: REAL Science or Christian Kids Explore?

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with my 2nd and 4th grader. Its very easy to use for this non-science mom and has activity sheets that you can print off and suggestions for additional reading and experiments that you add to each chapter if you choose. I have never looked into your other choice so I can only speak to my experience but I recommend it.


By the way if you get it - I had the spine cut off so I could copy the activity sheets easier. HTH:001_smile:

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We are using R.E.A.L. Science.

I really liked that it wasn't focused on the Young Earth Theory (I do not particularly care how old the earth is and my husband is more in the Christian Old Earth camp) - but that (at the younger levels at least) there is no mention off evolution (something I strongly disagree with).

I don't remember the Christian Kids one specifically, but it **seemed** like all of the Christian science programs I looked at were young earth focused.

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We are a little more than half way thru Earth& Space and I would give it an 8 out of 10. We also did Life and it was the same I would say in that it was an 8 out of 10 on my scale. It would be perfect for grade 2. I use it for grade 2 and 3 and my grade 3 child finds it easy (ie: he already knows most of the answers). The best thing about it is that I actually DO science with this program. Most of the items are easy to find around the house and if not there is a list of things needed at the front of the books. They explain everything so very well- especially for grade 2 level. It makes sense. I must confess that I've learned a lot with this program. Also, there are websites to explore and what I like the best is that there is a book list that corresponds to each chapter and we always read these and they are GREAT books. With this level Earth, I actually bought most of the books because the kids liked them so much.


The one thing I don't like is that not all of the experiment turn out well. In some cases I have redone them in a different way and then they worked (ie: with weather the wind meter didn't work so I went online and found a better design). Anyway, nothing is perfect overall it is a good program and I would recommend it.



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