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Gardening and Canning books you recommend?

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I definitely would get The Ball Book: Guide to Home Canning


Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening. It got me excited about gardening when we first started a couple years ago. We now do a combination of the square foot style boxes and a regular garden plot.

Erica in OR



These are our two most used books.

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I second the other recommendations, especially The Vegetable Gardener's Bible (of which we have two copies because too many people want their hands on it!) and The Ball Book.


I also like The Busy Person's Guide to Preserving Food. It has a lot of out-of-the-box thinking/ideas for putting up food and rates each method for each fruit or vegetable. I use this guide for preservation more than any other.


I don't know what an earth box is.

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Thank you! I will check them out!


Anyone have experience with the earth box?


When you write "Earth Box", do you mean a planter box? Is there a bottom in the box or is the bottom open so plants can grow deep roots. I have boxes like this which just keep things slightly elevated, about 2 feet down there is a netting that is supposed to keep the gophers from digging up every last veggie but deep rooting plants can reach down through the netting. Given the soil condition on my area, I do avoid things like long carrots that need layers of soft soil.

As far as books go, I like the "Square Foot Garden" book - same one Erica recommended above. I found the book written in a common sense style and with emphasis on simplicity.

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We, my husband and I, searched for a good gardening book a few years ago and kept running into this person, which we bought and really-really like:




Dick Raymon, apparently he used to have a show on tv, from what one older lady told me. Raymond is definitely from the generation before me and his passion for gardening and harvesting his crops (canning and keeping) really comes through in his books. He's somewhat motivating.


Another spot to buy seeds (I already have mine in hand, early for a change), is Tiny Seeds:




Tiny Seeds tries to steer clear of genetically modified seeds, and the prices are good. I found the link to Tiny Seeds from a blog I read ran by a Nutritionist/Cancer Survivor (who's most fav green is kale, a new one for my garden this year).


Now, if only I can find some good organic fertilizer.

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This book has chapters on gardening, canning, making every dressing and condiment you can think of from scratch, and even caring for chickens, goats, etc. It also has great recipes. Lots of info in this book.


TARR, YVONNE YOUNG The Wholesome Home Book of Recipes and Household Formulas

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I am not completely sure about the earth box, as I just ordered it, but basically its a box that you garden out of. You put soil in it, and it has a tube that you add water to. You can never add too much or too little water cause of the tube. Then you put a cover of it.




They came highly recommended by many gardeners.

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My mom, the gardener, introduced my to the books Square Foot Gardening and Lasagna Gardening. The later has you laying newspaper down on your garden area without digging it up, and then layering soil on it. I used this method in my raised square foot garden beds last year; keeps the weeds out!

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