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Who has Memoria Press' schedule for Henle? (Or another 4 yr schedule)

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I'm taking a 4 year progression through Henle I with my son. He started in the 5th grade and did Units 1 & 2 via the MP syllabus. In 6th, he did units 3 - 5 with the second MP syllabus. This year, 7th, he's doing Units 6 - 10 with a schedule I made up. Next year, 8th, he'll complete Henle I, Units 11 -14.


If you are looking for a Henle Schedule for older students, Mother of Divine Grace School sells syllabi that cover Henle I and II (http://www.emmanuelbooks.com) over two or three years.




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Well, we are doing Challenge I next year and I'm thinking they cover all/most of Henle Year I, because they move on and do Year 2 in Challenge II. (don't have the guide yet) I'm planning on using the MODG syllabi to help out, but of course we have to follow the CC schedule.


I mean technically don't you only have to cover units 1-7 of Year 1 to get credit? The other units are for advanced classes, but I hope we don't stop there because it will be tough to jump into Year 2 w/out covering those units. (for me, anyway ;) )




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Ok kind of hijacking here.


Does this mean I was supposed to start Henle 1 in the 6th grade? We still haven't got through Latina Christina 1 and my oldest is in 8th grade. I was planning on going through Henle 1 for Freshman, Henle 2 for Sophmore respectively.


Did I goof?



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Ok kind of hijacking here.


Does this mean I was supposed to start Henle 1 in the 6th grade? We still haven't got through Latina Christina 1 and my oldest is in 8th grade. I was planning on going through Henle 1 for Freshman, Henle 2 for Sophmore respectively.


Did I goof?




No, not at all. Henle is a high school level book. I just happened to start my son with Latin back in early elementary school, so he got to Henle in early middle school. We are taking 4 years to do the Henle 1 book because he's so young. With a high schooler, you can go much faster. Mother of Divine Grace School sells syllabi for Henle that cover Henle I, units 1-7 (half the book) in one year, and units 8 - end in one year. They consider completing the full Henle I book to be 2 high school credits.




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It's not really "goofing". My daughter is the youngest of the group. She's in 5th grade, and doing Henle I.

If you're finishing LCI, then if you have a handle on that...you can go straight into Henle I and do the book in two years. Then you'll spend the next two years doing Henle II.

Henle Book I is usually for Two Years.... SO, if you plug through Latina Christiana I, then if it were me...I'd start right away with Henle I to give some extra time....when it comes to some tough spots....Have you been doing Latin with him? He'll most likely need your help and teaching to get through Henle. (or any other Latin book that I know about...) Watch, because soon I'll post the info about the full Henle key(it comes with only part...) and full pronunciation cd......I'm getting the exact info soon.... We have the key and first cd now, but I'm in contact with the company...


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MP is busy producing their replacement for Henle.

First Form Latin is the first year program - a beta version is available from them if you request it.


I had been excitedly waiting for First Form Latin to be published. Then I talked to Martin Cothran at a conference this summer, and interestingly, he recommended that I stick to Henle in my situation (teaching a once a week class at a co-op), rather than switching to First Form. He said the format of Henle will work better in a once a week teaching setting. I wonder if that means that First Forms is not set up to be as self-teaching or independent as Henle? Has anybody actually looked at the beta? If so, what sis you think?

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