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This is depressing. I'm INTJ, & it basically says I make an almost adequate mom, but I should really consider doing something else. :ohmy:


But it's ok. I've figured that out by now. :glare:


Ok Aubrey, I'm with you. That article SUCKS! Here's what it said about me:


The heart-to-heart mother (ENFJ)

Expressive and warm, this mom is adept at talking about feelings, both her kids' and her own. Tuned in to each child as a unique person, she nurtures them through praise and encouragement. An efficient family manager, the ENFJ provides day-to-day structure and direction. She's also socially adept, and strives to keep her kids connected to family, neighborhood, and the larger community.

Stay-sane tip: Use humor to temper your natural intensity. Harmony can be restored quickly if irritations are turned into family jokes.


I'm even failing to live up to my personality profile!!!!:lol:

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...it has to do with this board and the friendship format it provides, rather than homeschooling. If I were a betting woman. ;)


While I love getting together with "real life" friends, and many folks would be surprised to know I'm introverted (because of being a ham of sorts at parties and such), I really like this board for the simple reason that...I can pick and choose when to interact. (Sad, but true, lol.) I can write out a response, and edit (and edit again), rather than navigate an actual time conversation (not that I don't like doing that, too...but this sort of interaction is much, MUCH easier for me).


Anyone else feel that way?


Yes Jill, I can so relate to that. I often wonder why I am so drawn to spending a couple of hours many days chatting here, wheras in real life I may have one or two social events in the whole week. I used to be excrutiatingly shy and withdrawn socially but nowadays, though not the centre of the party, I can hold my own quite comfortably and "mingle" and make conversation. But...it is so much easier here! And I get to share ideas which IRL, often conversations just dont go that deep in the time available- especially party situaitons. I do have some close friends though- but I dont see them even weekly either.


I am an INFP. THats the "healer".

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The descriptions in this article are mediocre at best. I'm one step away from calling them CRAP. Check the author citation (no extra letters after their names); these people are writing for a parenting magazine and latched onto a good story spin. How your type plays out in your house is not just dependent on your personality, it is the interplay of types that makes every dynamic unique. Maybe you have children who don't need soft and squishy.


The other sites are considerably more accurate.


Eh...it seemed pretty right for me. Maybe even too complimentary. There are things I'm good at & things I'm not. I wouldn't recommend that personality type to actively pursue motherhood. If they do, fine. It just seems unlikely that they'd want to in the first place.


It happens to be what I've always wanted to do, but not in the way most people want to, kwim? And I'm in the throws of seeing how wrong I am for the job, in the traditional sense, &...having to find the balance of biting the bullet--being something I'm not & not worrying about it, figuring (hoping) I'm the mom they need.


It's not something to really like/dislike/regret because...well, it just is. A tree has no business wishing to be anything else--it's a tree. I'm like that. Sometimes my roots wreck your foundation; other times I've got great shade. Maybe we're all like that, but I think some people have personality types that make much more natural choices for motherhood. Really, that's obvious. Just like you'd rather have a nurturer for a nurse & someone who can think/act quickly for a general, there are certain types that will do better as mothers. For the rest of us, maybe it just takes more effort. Maybe God gives us special children who can withstand us, lol.

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Yes, this is surely me, too. (also INTJ) When I was in high school, I remember thinking VERY clearly that I NEVER wanted to have kids. :lol: I hated babysitting (but the kids loved me, for some unknown reason :confused:). The parents were as confused as I was as to why their kids kept asking for me to babysit.


I can tell you, Aubrey, that it might get better as your dc get older. It did for me. The emotional rollercoaster of the early childhood years is replaced by the logic and reasoning of the later childhood/adult years. Much more comfortable for me.


But I do think I was probably a pretty boring parent when they were young. They lived to tell about it though. :D


I hated babysitting, too, but I've always wanted to have kids. Why? To try out parenting theories & see if I could create super-genius sweet, well-behaved kids. :001_huh: Lab rats, basically. Isn't that awful? :lol:


But, yeah, the older they get, the more fun I'm having. The problems are hairier, & there's the pressure of knowing they're old enough to remember mistakes, but otherwise? A lot more fun & interesting.


I survived toddlerhood w/ the oldest because I was taking child development at the time & "studied" him. Also, he was in a really great daycare (they read stories, taught the babies sign language, & had no sugar or tv).


This full-on toddler stuff is scary. ;) Oh, & the girl-hormones. Ds is logical. Dd is...FEELY. (Like dh--he's the INFP-love-everybody-healer-nice-guy.)

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It's not something to really like/dislike/regret because...well, it just is. A tree has no business wishing to be anything else--it's a tree. I'm like that. Sometimes my roots wreck your foundation; other times I've got great shade. Maybe we're all like that, but I think some people have personality types that make much more natural choices for motherhood. Really, that's obvious. Just like you'd rather have a nurturer for a nurse & someone who can think/act quickly for a general, there are certain types that will do better as mothers. For the rest of us, maybe it just takes more effort. Maybe God gives us special children who can withstand us, lol.



Have I ever told you how much I love your insight? What a great analogy!



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Have I ever told you how much I love your insight? What a great analogy!




I don't know, but feel free to flatter often. It goes far, & in this house, we've got insight & flattery & *competency* at BASIC needs. (You've read my cooking threads, right?) :lol:


Iow, we really need the insight & flattery. ;) (Yeah, that's the royal "we.")

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