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"I wonder sometimes if some of the people who are outraged are a bit jealous because they themselves aren't the one who had the 8 babies at once.."


NO!!!!!!!!!! When I didn't have kids I did want twins and such but after I had one ... no. I do not want multiples in any way. One at a time is enough for me.


I have to say that I am VERY familiar with the cultural background and I was very shocked when I had heard about this. I'm from Iraq too and its is a BIG no no to have children outside of wedlock. So the fact that she did this shocked me. Second, I can't understand her reasoning because as a parent, I do want to be able to take carfe of my own kids without burdening my parents. I do ask my mom to babysit but it is only when I really need her too. The six previous children that she had, her mom is taking care of them. Her dad is financialy taking care of these kids. I have to ask: What is she doing aside from having more kids. Again, I have to go back to the cultural issue, it is sooooo wrong to burden your parents physicaly and financialy. It is upto the kids, once they reach the age of being able to, to look after the parents in this culture. So again, i am wondering what on earth is she thinking?

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There has been a lot of criticism of this mother who has given birth to 8 babies.


I'm wondering if you would feel different if she were married to a man making $10 an hour in a job without medical benefits. Knowing that there is no way to support children on $10 an hour, and knowing that even two parents can't possibly take care of 14 children under the age of 7 without a lot of outside help, would you be comfortable criticizing the choice to have such a large family? Is it her marital status that most bothers people?


Considering the fact that I have 4 kids with my partner of 16 years but unmarried, I have no problem with the fact that she is unmarried. The big problem I have with her is 1) her mental instability, 2) the fact that she doesn't seem to recognize reality, 3) her lack of support system, 4) the fact that she planned 8 kids without having any way to take care of the six she already has.


But basically, my biggest problem with her is her obvious mental instability.

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My main problem with her is not her being unmarried. However, I think that people should be married before children. I think she is probably pathologic, and certainly extremely selfish. I don't think anyone should have children they can't support. In this case, not only can't she support them financially, she can't support them without a lot of help emotionally and physically.

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I think that having that many children so close together in age is wrong for anyone. If they are a millionaire that can hire as much help as possible, the children will still not get enough love and attention from their parents.


Babies have literally been saved from death with kangaroo care. Toddlers and preschoolers still need a lot of affection. No one can possibly care for that many children under the age of 7 and the loving thing to do is to adopt them out as soon as possible so that they can form a bond with the adopting parents and get their needs met.

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Her marital status doesn't matter a bit to me. It is her inability to care for her existing six, physically or financially and then use her meager resources that should have been spent on her existing family to have more. That is what burns my boat. It is not like she accidentally got pregnant, she spent tons of money on artificial means to get pregnant.

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