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2/7 exercise thread

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It was BEAUTIFUL today!!!! It's 45 degrees right now - can you believe it????? I started out in way too many clothes and ended up in pants and a short sleeved shirt. Could've run in shorts today. GORGEOUS!!!


But, I only ran 3 miles today. I think I injured my legs doing the video workout and they needed a break. I had to walk 2 blocks of that 3 miles. My quads are KILLING me!!! Too many squats and lunges, I guess. For two days now, anytime anyone touches my legs, they feel bruised. It hurts to go from standing to sitting. You get the idea. Today they were a bit better, so I decided to run.


So, how was your workout today?????

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Ouch, Jennifer! That sounds miserable! I hope your legs recover soon!


I ran 3 miles this morning, around 9 AM. Weather.com said it was 38 so I dressed accordingly, and ended up sweltering. And my mp3 player band wraps around my arm, which was around my 3 layers, so I couldn't even remove them. It was a hard run, too... I'm not at my best in the morning.


My 5K is a week from today, so the plan is to run Tuesday and Thursday...I'm doing 3 miles twice a week now, and a flat "30 minutes" during the other run. In 2 weeks, I'll start doing 3 miles at each of my 3 runs and keep it that way until the end of March. Then in April, I guess I'll start trying to train for the 10K. I just found out that this 10K I want to run in is hard to get into... so if I get a spot, I guess it's meant to be! If not, the training can't hurt!

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So glad you have lovely weather today, Jennifer! So sorry about your legs, though. Ouch!


The weather's beautiful here, too. Almost too bad I'm spending half the day in the car driving to and from Seattle ~ but it'll be worth it to see some of the fellow WTMers from this board.:)


I went 7 miles this morning. Running has just felt plain hard this week. Next week will be more mileage again, so I hope things will improve.


Deece, good job on your workout!


Niffercoo, way to keep at it! You've made a lot of improvement in your pace. If you can't get in to the 10K you have in mind, there's bound to be another right around the same time.:)

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Yesterday was great - I went skiing TWICE! Once for an hour with my workout partner and once for 40 minutes with my dh. Temperatures were in the double digits and the sun was shining the first time and the moon was out the second time!!


This morning, it's 3 degrees, so I'm afraid I'm back to inside exercising today.


I'm not as sore today as I expected to be, so that's a pleasant surprise.



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I've been bad too. No long run in Disney (10 miles). No long run last week (15 miles). But I did do the whole thing today! 17 miles!


Time Taken: 03:03:23

Total Distance: 17.24 mi.

Burned: 1,827 (kcal)

Pace: 10:37 (avg)

Speed: 5.64 (mi/hr) (avg)


One hard thing was figuring out what to wear (like the rest of you!) It was 36 when I started but forecast of 55 when I finished. I ended up in shorts, long sleeves, jacket and ear flap hat. I ran a 5 mile loop around the house so the first loop found me throwing my jacket, the second throwing my hat. I almost stopped at a friend's house twice to beg for short sleeves.


My legs ache. But what's weird is my feet ache too! I want to just sit in a tub of hot water!


Jen - sorry the legs hurt, but doesn't it feel good to run again!?


Deece - good job!


Niffercoo - You got hot as well. Good luck at your race! Keep us posted on the 10 K as well.


Colleen - glad you had time to go! I didn't have an easy time getting out to run this past week either. Hopefully it will be better next week for us both!


Anne - Skiing! I'm jealous. I'd stay in at 3 degrees as well!

Edited by momofkhm
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You ladies are rockin'! I haven't been running or swimming or doing much of anything other than typing this past week. We're all sick - congestion, cough, runny nose, dizziness... you name it! I haven't left the house since Tues so we are at each others throats!


It is good to come here and see the effort you are all making. Kudos!

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It's a beautiful 66 degrees here! My friend and I did our usual hour-long walk/run picking up half a dozen aluminum cans and a couple of pennies! Lots of folks were out washing their cars and bar-b-queing. There was even a group of girls watching for the ice cream truck! They said they heard it, but couldn't see it. I wonder if it was wishful thinking on their part!


Spring is on its way!



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