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Does homeschooling with a baby get easier as they age....or harder?


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Dfd15mths is making it so hard to get anything done. She wants every book, she wants draw with any writing utensil she can find and wants in the middle of everything we do. I have tried to give her her own copy of things that look like ours but it doesn't matter. She is clamoring up my lap to get to the exact item we are using.


We try to sit in the next room or put her in her gated area with toys but she can break through all her gates when she really wants too. She is 30lbs and is VERY strong (she can do multiple free hanging pull ups) and is a climber.



We are so far behind on where we usually are at this time of year. We typically end school in May but are only 1/2 of the way through our material that we should be 3/4 or more through.




Does it get easier? The only time we can get anything done is during nap time and I am sure those are going to start shortening soon. At what age did the littles get easier? Please, please don't tell me never!


Any good suggestions?

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My youngest is 21 months, and so far we do most of our work while he naps. Also, for us, later in the afternoon is better than mornings. In the mornings I cannot read aloud. he climbs in my lap and forces the book shut!

I try to have my oldest doing her math while the little one is in his high chair. Basically, our school day is pretty choppy. The oldest isn't reading on her own yet, the middle one is almost 6 and really only does history and math with us....projects are mostly out right now! I know it does get easier...we have had to relax and do things when we have the chance...Listening to History in the car, trying to do anything he cannot be around while he is napping...meanwhile, praying that his nap is long enough! It is a challenge....on the whole it already is better than 3 months ago...but not much...my other 2 ate crayons and play dough until they were almost 4! Good thing I make the play dough:D.


It really does get better though....

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When my little girl (now 2 1/2) stopped taking morning naps, I thought all was lost.


Then, I discovered Blue's Clues.


Yes, I know most of the folks here would frown on using the TV as a babysitter, but somedays it is the only way we can get anything done. It's not every day. And, it's not for long. But, it allows me the chance to work my 10yods through his math and grammar. We really need to be able to focus on those. My 11yodd does these almost independently. The rest of our subjects, we do all together, and 2yodd is in and out as she pleases. She plays independently, or colors on the white board, or listens to our history, or "works on her grammar" (that's what she calls Reader Rabbit Toddler). :o)


It will get easier. Hang in there.

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and it seems a little easier. She still wants every book I'm reading to dd7, so I try to read to her first. Some days it works, sometimes not. But in the morning, the tv is hers to watch Dora and Barney (thank goodness for On Demand tv) so I get the other kids started. She has her own "school books" and her own cubicle divider (like dd7). She doesn't nap consistently, so sometimes one on one instruction has to wait. I will try to have my other kids play with her if someone needs help. If not, play dough always does the trick, but such a big mess... LOL

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Maybe there is a difference between girls and boys.... My youngest ds is a newly turned 3 year old. Sometimes he will go do something on his own but more often he wants his brothers attention. I try to have one boy play with him while the other boy schools then we change positions. Next year I'm planning on sending him to preschool 2 days a week so that I can have some good consistant time with his older brothers who are 8 and 10 and so that he can play with children his own age.

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