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SWB regrets the necessity of the ban..

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And so do I!


The moderators may or may not delete this! I don't mean to offend anyone. I do, however, want to point out that life becomes pretty dull when all we can discuss is the weather.


This is a classical education website after all. My understanding was that classical education includes not only learning the facts of Math, History, or Science, but also deeper discussion of the goings-on in Society. The deeper discussions are all of those things that are deemed off-limits so that others may not have their feelings hurt. These discussions include politics and religion. When we as a Society can't have a conversation about these deeper issues then I have to ask myself and everyone: "What is there left to talk about?"



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You are pretty new to the boards. I think that's how we all felt until every single political and religious thread caused such uproar that people quit coming to the boards for support. Apparently, several on the board (myself included at times) had a hard time control themselves in light of very different viewpoints. Many of us decided that that while we didn't want these discussions banned we would accept that decision if the conversations couldn't become civil. Well, they didn't. Also many of us realized that this is a space provided to us for free and paid for by SWB so that we may discuss and support each other reagarding classical homeschool, specifically WTM. My point here, is that there is a long history, even going back to the old boards for many years, of political and religous discussions turning nasty and detracting for a supportive environment. I just thought I'd bring you up to speed on some of the history here that you might not have been aware of when you posted. Basically, we didn't control ourselves so now we are policed.


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I'm new to the board, but I can see that discussion can quickly give way to attack. If the participants treated the discussions more like a debate and just calmly stated their position/opinion and a couple of points and then left it at that religion and politics could be discussed briefly without hurt feelings. As a child, my dad would state his own opinion so forcefully that no discussion was encouraged...it was like his word was forced on me. I know that this was the experience in many homes. As an adult, I enjoy discussions with others with different views if both sides will actually listen and think about where the other is coming from. That being said, I am so strongly rooted in my own beliefs/opinions that there is little chance anyone will sway me, so the discussions are really just an exercise. In the real world, I think we would all be more hesitant and careful not to offend.

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These discussions include politics and religion. When we as a Society can't have a conversation about these deeper issues then I have to ask myself and everyone: "What is there left to talk about?"



There are plenty of places to discuss both of these and have them not raise hackles in people who are here, primarily, to encourage each other on our journey through educating our children.


My mother used to say that it was not polite to discuss religion or politics. Since my family had formal sit-down dinners for an hour or more 7 days a week, and conversation never stopped, there are indeed other things to discuss. What was Maugham's best work? What was the family doing for Christmas of '55? Who wants to retell the story of the '51 flood? How is "harass" pronounced? Who keeps leaving the toilet seat up? How was the campout? How are we going to paint the upstairs shutters? Is this quote from Shakespeare or the Bible? Would a draining drain on a ship crossing the equator change direction? Quick, everyone name a word adopted into English from Hindi (veranda, pajama, juggernaut...see, I even still remember the conversation).


I don't want to know if poster X is a complete jack*ss in their political beliefs. I want to know how to get kiddo to stop (e.g.) biting his nails. I want to know if such and such is adaptable to a secular family.


There are 100's and 100's of interesting and unmoderated groups on USENET. But some people need a solarium to blossom.


Edited by kalanamak
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You are pretty new to the boards. I think that's how we all felt until every single political and religious thread caused such uproar that people quit coming to the boards for support. Apparently, several on the board (myself included at times) had a hard time control themselves in light of very different viewpoints. Many of us decided that that while we didn't want these discussions banned we would accept that decision if the conversations couldn't become civil. Well, they didn't. Also many of us realized that this is a space provided to us for free and paid for by SWB so that we may discuss and support each other reagarding classical homeschool, specifically WTM. My point here, is that there is a long history, even going back to the old boards for many years, of political and religous discussions turning nasty and detracting for a supportive environment. I just thought I'd bring you up to speed on some of the history here that you might not have been aware of when you posted. Basically, we didn't control ourselves so now we are policed.







I have been on this board for about 4 years. This happens to be the very first time I ever posted something controversial. :001_smile:



Edited by Susie in CA
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I have been on this board for about 4 years. This happens to be the very first time I very posted something controversial. :001_smile:




Yeah, like she said, you are rather new to the boards. LOL. Some of us have been here a decade. :lol:


Seriously, I agree that it would be nice to discuss the topics you mentioned. The problem is that invariably the discussions degrade into abusive posts designed to criticize and hurt other posters. Given that, I don't see how the mods have any choice but to ban certain subjects.



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I have been on this board for about 4 years. This happens to be the very first time I ever posted something controversial. :001_smile:




Oops, your join date says January 2008. I figured you didn't carry over from the old boards. But many of us have been here for 10 years or more! We have a long history of being naughty children in need of discipline!:tongue_smilie::lol:

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And so do I!


The moderators may or may not delete this! I don't mean to offend anyone. I do, however, want to point out that life becomes pretty dull when all we can discuss is the weather.


This is a classical education website after all. My understanding was that classical education includes not only learning the facts of Math, History, or Science, but also deeper discussion of the goings-on in Society. The deeper discussions are all of those things that are deemed off-limits so that others may not have their feelings hurt. These discussions include politics and religion. When we as a Society can't have a conversation about these deeper issues then I have to ask myself and everyone: "What is there left to talk about?"




Did I miss the post about no more discussions of religion? There are some pretty active threads on that topic going on right now........

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There are plenty of places to discuss both of these and have them not raise hackles in people who are here, primarily, to encourage each other on our journey through educating our children.


My mother used to say that it was not polite to discuss religion or politics. Since my family had formal sit-down dinners for an hour or more 7 days a week, and conversation never stopped, there are indeed other things to discuss. What was Maugham's best work? What was the family doing for Christmas of '55? Who wants to retell the story of the '51 flood? How is "harass" pronounced? Who keeps leaving the toilet seat up? How was the campout? How are we going to paint the upstairs shutters? Is this quote from Shakespeare or the Bible? Would a draining drain on a ship crossing the equator change direction? Quick, everyone name a word adopted into English from Hindi (veranda, pajama, juggernaut...see, I even still remember the conversation).


I don't want to know if poster X is a complete jack*ss in their political beliefs. I want to know how to get kiddo to stop (e.g.) biting his nails. I want to know if such and such is adaptable to a secular family.


There are 100's and 100's of interesting and unmoderated groups on USENET. But some people need a solarium to blossom.



This makes me chuckle. Even after the politics ban there were plenty of posts by people trying to raise hackles and act innocent over it. :lol:

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If I recall, a big part of the problem was not just the _tone_ of the "discussions," but the fact that they became a huge time sink for the moderators. Not only did the moderators have to keep up with the actual posts, but they were being plied with private messages from all sides complaining about the other sides!


I don't think any of the moderators get paid enough to put that much time & energy into topics not related to the purpose of these boards! :)



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There are plenty of places to discuss both of these and have them not raise hackles in people who are here, primarily, to encourage each other on our journey through educating our children.


My mother used to say that it was not polite to discuss religion or politics. Since my family had formal sit-down dinners for an hour or more 7 days a week, and conversation never stopped, there are indeed other things to discuss. What was Maugham's best work? What was the family doing for Christmas of '55? Who wants to retell the story of the '51 flood? How is "harass" pronounced? Who keeps leaving the toilet seat up? How was the campout? How are we going to paint the upstairs shutters? Is this quote from Shakespeare or the Bible? Would a draining drain on a ship crossing the equator change direction? Quick, everyone name a word adopted into English from Hindi (veranda, pajama, juggernaut...see, I even still remember the conversation).


I don't want to know if poster X is a complete jack*ss in their political beliefs. I want to know how to get kiddo to stop (e.g.) biting his nails. I want to know if such and such is adaptable to a secular family.


There are 100's and 100's of interesting and unmoderated groups on USENET. But some people need a solarium to blossom.



Well apparently people can't even discuss Poe on this board without ticking someone off so why bother?

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I've been stunned by the level of meaness that I've seen displayed on these boards. Many of the comments that were deleted and are now banned were in no way "deeper discussion". The discussions generally started that way and went quickly downhill, except for the many OPs who were obviously baiting those of different beliefs.


Why should SWB pay for that level of discourse?

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