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Latin for Children vs. Latina Christiana?


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My oldest went through Prima, LC1, & LC2. Now she's in Latin Alive!, and we both really like it. I remember when Latin for Children first came out -- people flocked to it and then were frustrated with the typos and errors, especially in the history reader, if I remember correctly.


Well, by now, I'm sure they've had a chance to update and correct those errors. Ds will be ready for either LC1 or LfC-A in the fall, and I would love your thoughts on the two. My dd didn't especially like LC2 (at co-op), and a good friend didn't care for it as she taught her boys.


Is LfC more fun while also being at least as rigorous (good preparation for later Latin studies)? Are the errors and typos all edited out of LfC? I'm just getting started on the comparison, so any comments you have would be great!

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And it's ok to try to sell me on a different choice too! I have a friend who would like to keep our boys together for Latin, but she really likes Memoria Press -- anything from Memoria Press!


Did everyone try LfC when it first came out, and then completely move on when the errors/typos were found in the original editions?


Extra info, in case it's helpful: Ds will be in 5th grade next year and is taking PL this year as a light introduction to Latin. We are also going through Elementary Greek year 2 and find that he enjoys it and memorizes vocabulary, conjugations, and declensions easily.

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We are using LFC A this year. We enjoy it and I'm glad I didn't let all the warnings about the errors stop me from picking it. The style fits my ds to a T. I have not encountered any glaring errors and there is an errata area on their forums. We have the new edition of the books and the older DVDs.


I have not seen Latin Alive, but we plan to use the entire CAP Latin series.


I wavered many times in my decision on which Latin program to chose. I read every review on this board and looked at every sample online. LFC was described as "fun" more times than any other. Since we use a Latin-Centered approach it was important to me that ds enjoy our Latin program. It has been a hit with us.

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Is LfC more fun while also being at least as rigorous (good preparation for later Latin studies)? Are the errors and typos all edited out of LfC? I'm just getting started on the comparison, so any comments you have would be great!


We switched to LfC A this year after being very bored with Prima Latina last year. As a result Latin it now one of DD's favorite subjects. My DD would tell you hands down LfC is more fun.


The amount of vocabulary per year is comparable. I've heard the grammar in LfC is a bit more rigorous but can't give you an actual comparison.


We are currently on lesson 20 in LfC A. I made the few corrections in the book on the errata at the website. Beyond that I think we had an issue with one word in a word search puzzle in the activity book, but no other problems. HTH

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My son is completing LFC A independently. I test him on his vocab on Fridays and he comes to me during the week if he is ever dumbfounded by something. He seems to really like it and he is definitely learning lots of Latin vocab. I have the entire set. I honestly don't think he would be learning as well without the Activity Book; I consider it a must-have. I like the DVD and Chant CD as well. I also downloaded their free vocabulary flashcards and he uses those religiously each day for review.


My middle son used LC 1 & 2. I personally like LFC better, but both will get the job done IMHO. ;)

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In LFC A it seemed most of the errors were in the correction key, but usually I would catch them without it tripping me up. We have not used any other Latin program, so I can't compare. But I find the benefits of LFC far outweigh the annoyance of the errors. I've also written more about our experience with LFC A on my blog, if you're interested.

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I'm one of the ones who expressed annoyance over the typos and errors. But I've also said every time that my dd8 really likes LfC and has learned so much that I wouldn't even think of switching to something else. We're in Primer B now and I haven't noticed any errors yet.


Classical Academic Press is very responsive if you call with any type of problem and the author (Perrin) has personally responded quickly by email and phone when I have had questions.



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We have a great Latin teacher at the co op and she did a thorough study and decided LFC was better.


We have made the switch and it has been good timing for us because my oldest 3 dtrs loved Latin but found the LC2 DVDs very boring. My son found Latin boring from the get-go with LC and is finding LFC very fun! I think the boring LC 2 videos might have cemented his dislike of Latin. He's gr 3.


I know LfC hits the principle parts right from the beginning and I like that. I also like all the teaching of LFC that is right in the student books (in LC, most of the teaching is in the TM or the DVDs. (I also think LC II video goes overboard on derivatives!). I was very annoyed at the typos and errors but I think the company has remedied that and the new materials are betters.


Just fyi, I have 2 high schoolers in Henle MP Year 2; one 6th grader in LFC Primer B and one 3rd grader who finished LC I in chap 3 of a quick review of LFC Primer A.



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