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Teaching Textbook


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We have been using ABeka Math for the last 5 years and my dc and I are just plain sick of it. I am looking for something totally different for our next school year. I am considering using Teaching Textbook.


For those of you who use Teaching Textbook? Would you recommend it? Why? Are there enough problems per lesson? Do they review problems enough that the student completely grasps the concept? Will I need to supplement?

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My answer is yes....:) why, because its the first math program in higher levels I have not had to teach my children. It is teaching them.... It does cover and review... but the audio and visual aspects of is is the best...They also offer an audio/visual solution to every problem. Its been a blessing for us.


I have been reading that some folks do not think it is a strong math program.... but it works fine for us. We will use it 7th through.... as high as we get....:)


I hope others share too....

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This is our first year with grade 7. My dd and I both love it. We will keep using it for the duration. CAn't wait 'til my ds uses it next year. There are about 20 questions per lesson. I think it does a good job of review. We do not suppliment. Unless you count doing drill sheets on Fri for fun. She really doesn't need them anymore but likes doing them.

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Yes, it's a good program. Works well, there are plenty of problems per lesson. The fact that it teaches the child by showing them is awesome! We really like that it not only tells you just the answer in the answer key, but it works through each problem. Just a great all around program. That I highly recommend.

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It has been like a wonderful gift for my math hater. It is a great program. I hear complaints that it isn't rigorous enough. I find that amusing. If your child is thriving in it and you want to challenge them--then you can adjust the speed at which you move throught it- just like you would with any other curriculum. If it works for your child, then it WORKS. I still have 1 in Saxon and 1 in Horizons and I adjust their progress through those as needed as well. I just know TT was a godsend for my reluctant math child.

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I've not used the lower grades of TT but both my older dc have done Alg. 1 and 2. My feeling about "rigorous" is this...the most rigorous curriculum in the world does you no good if your child doesn't understand it and you can't teach it. To me, it is far better to have material that the child can learn and retain.


And both my kids did well on the SAT--not "super" scores, but enough that the oldest nabbed a great scholarship for a private university. DC #2 is still in process of SAT-taking, but I expect his scores to be even better.


So...I guess none of that answers your questions about the elementary levels of TT but I think ncmomo3 is right about moving through the material at your own pace. And for us, there was enough practice to understand and retain the material.

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I love it! There has been some talk here about it not being "up to standard". I did speak with the authors about their scope and sequence. They said it meets California Standards for what that is worth. Dd is in 6th grade doing TT 7. It is a challenge for her. She is struggling with the current lesson. TT offers tutoring help by phone and we have used it. They have a wonderful mix of "techical problems" - the how to of the issue. How to do a % or convert a decimal for expample. But they also have real life applications. How to figure sales tax. How to figure interest. How to design a quilt. We will continue with the program next year. I would encourage you to use the placement tests available online to place your dc in the correct level. TT 4 will be available soon by the way.

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And we love it! My daughter used Saxon from the beginning and got to a point where she missed so much each day. Math became a struggle so I looked for something else. I love Teaching Textbooks because it does an excellent job of teaching the student. All I have to do is check her daily work and give her tests. Every day she makes an A. I have asked her if it is too easy and she says "No, it just does a good job of explaining things to me". She's in 7th grade and using the pre-algebra. She also joined Mathcounts this year and tied for first place in her local group, so by all accounts, somethings working. I think Saxon did a fine job teaching the basics and all the facts, but TT has been a wonderful, refreshing change. She went from hating math last year to loving it. I can't wait to try it on my younger daughter next year!

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