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What's wrong with my throat??

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I'm having a lot of pain in my throat/jaw/mouth. About a week ago, I started feeling achy, like I was getting sick. Over the weekend (last weekend), all of the glands in my neck/throat swelled up and they HURT. I took some advil and that helped. I had a bit of a cough as well. Then my ear started hurting, or at least it felt like my ear. Actually, my jaw, back molars on the top and bottom, ear, and my left tonsil all hurt, and it was hard to tell where exactly the pain was originating. I went into urgent care last Tuesday night and the doctor checked my ear, throat, etc. and said I didn't have an ear infection. She said my allergies were out of control, I probably had a sinus infection and put me on some antibiotics which I started on Wednesday. She also gave me a prescription for Flonase which I haven't started taking yet.


The pain hasn't gone away, but it has changed. Instead of just feeling sore, the left side of my throat feels like it's completely raw. The left nostril of my nose feels funny. My tongue on the left side has that raw feeling too. Everything feels swollen, but when I look in the mirror nothing *looks* swelled or anything. It feels best when I wake up in the morning and worst at the end of the day. Advil does nothing for it.


I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow, but it might be a few days before they can see me - they were booked solid last week. I really don't want to have to go to urgent care again unless I have to. Do you have any ideas what this could be? I don't have a fever.


So far I've come up with: strep (although I've never had strep before), some wacky throat virus, an abcessed tooth (sometimes it does feel like my tooth is hurting), an infection (but wouldn't it be feeling better after 5 days of antibiotics?).


I have also been having allergy problems for the last few months and my throat has already been unhappy due to some post-nasal drip...but I've never experienced anything like this before. If you have any ideas, please let me know!!! :bigear: :bigear: :bigear:

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My first guess is strep, second guess is tonsillitis. Use the flonase your dr gave you and see if you start feeling relief, if it is allergies that should help. Do talk to your dr again about the antibiotics. While some antibiotics are broad spectrum many aren't and you may not be taking the right kids to deal with what ever kind of infection you have.


In the mean time tonight, gargle with salt water (tastes absolutely disgusting but will help kill off bacteria), use the flonase and see your dr tomorrow. Request a throat swab. And also see your dentist to rule out abcess.


ETA: Have you been taking allergy meds like benedryl at all?

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First, get a strep test. If it's strep, you need meds asap. If the strep test is negative and your doc can't find anything wrong, call a dentist and see what he/she can find.


You poor thing! I hope you feel better.



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Sounds like the strep I got when we were in the middle of a two-week road trip vacation - our five days in Yellowstone remain a blur of PAIN to me. I had to get a strep test done at the only place around, the clinic in the park - yes, it was positive!


I had not had strep since I was a wee tot - even with four little kids catching it off and on I never caught it from them. Man, strep can HURT!!!!!



It also sounds like an infected tooth - I had the jaw/ear pain a month or so ago and ended up having a rear molar pulled (cheaper than a root canal/crown).


Lucky you, sounds like you may have more than one thing going on. POOR BABY (now I am feeling sympathy pain!!!) :-(


Do call a dentist asap - when someone is in PAIN they manage to squeeze them in asap - an x-ray and a pain-killing shot does not take much time. A doctor will not be able to see if is tooth-related. I really think you may have a tooth issue and strep.


Oh, lastly, my Dad always recommends a large shot of Scotch for symptoms like yours. :-O

Edited by JFSinIL
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It really sounds like classic sinusitis. Sinus infections can take 14-21 days of antibiotics to clear up or they may be viral. The flonase would help reduce the swelling, help your allergic symptoms such as post nasal drip and prevent future sinus infections (if you take it during allergy season, even if you're not symptomatic). I'd recommend taking that or if you want something more natural a neti pot would work.

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I had it just after Christmas.


My throat felt raw and MISERABLE for over a week. IT was the WORST sore throat I've ever had. --hurt MORE than when I had my tonsils out as a teen! The glands in my neck were so sore that even putting my head on my pillow HURT! My ears and tongue also hurt. I ran a very slight fever--and when I did my teeth hurt too...


Dr 'claimed' allergies (which I have too--but they were NOT causing this but not helping either). When I went back for a recheck the Dr had seen enough patients with the same symptoms to realize it must be a virus.


((hugs)) hope you are feeling better soon!

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Are you taking allergy meds? The antibiotics will clear up infections if you are treating the underlying cause (as long as they are the right antibiotics for the infection). Sinus infections usually take over my head too if I don't catch them in time. The flonase will help tremendously even in a day, I love that stuff.


I have had an abscessed tooth also, but the tooth hurt and I felt very weak from the infection. There were no other symptoms.

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In my experience, sinus infections can "radiate" pain so it feels like you have a bad toothache, or your ear/neck aches etc. The swelling in the sinus cavities press on nerves etc, (as I understand it, I'm no doc) and it can be very uncomfortable. Also, drainage (that you may or may not be aware of) can make your throat very raw. My sister drinks warm water (only) to rinse the back of her throat. Gargling with warm water (some say warm salt water) helps rinse the drainage away.


Hope you're feeling better soon. That all over radiating discomfort can make it very difficult to focus on school, children's needs, regular daily duties, etc.

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Thanks everyone, for the advice and sympathy. :001_smile: I decided to start taking the Flonase, and things have been improving. The swollen feeling has definitely gone down, and as of today the burning/raw feeling on my tongue is gone and my throat only hurts now when I swallow, and not all day long. I haven't talked to my doctor again yet; I thought I would try the flonase first (since it was prescribed to me anyway) and see if it did any good, which it did. I'm going to keep using it, and if my throat is still bothering me in a couple of days I'm going to call her (and if things stop improving I won't wait). The antibiotic I'm on is used to treat strep, tonsillitis, and sinus infections, so it sounds like I'm pretty well covered if what's bothering me can be treated with an antibiotic.


I'm also wondering if the jaw pain could be TMJ related - when I thought my ear was infected I was yawning a lot trying to get it to pop, and I may have overdone it. I've had TMJ symptoms in the past (I used to grind my teeth).


Anyway, you've all been a tremendous help. Thanks again! :grouphug:

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Guest janainaz

My dh had the exact same symptoms you described about a month ago. It just ran it's course and he was ok. It lasted about a week and a half. It almost seemed to travel around in the area between his ears and throat, but was also affecting his mouth. Maybe it's some type of infection that just settles in that area?


Hope you figure it out and feel better!

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